Esti pregatit pentru Oreo?
Dar pentru un mini cheescake cu bucatele de Oreo si o crema fina de mascarpone si smantana?

(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 20 biscuiti Oreo / 20 Oreo biscuits
- 50 grame unt / 50 grams butter
- 250 grame branza Philadelphia/ 250 grams Philadelphia cheese
- 200 grame smantana dulce / 200 grams double cream
- 4 linguri zahar pudra / 4 tablespoon powdered sugar
- 1 lingurita esenta vanilie / 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 1 praf de sare / 1 pinch of salt
- 1 lingurita gelatina / 1 teaspoon gelatine
- 25 ml apa rece / 25 ml cold water

Incepem prin a pregati formele pentru cheescake. Eu am folosit inele metalice pentru gatit. In interiorul acestora am decupat o hartie de copt si am acoperit marginile laterale astfel incat sa reusim sa scoatem cheescake-ul din inel fara a-i distruge marginile.
Pentru blat: mixam fin 10 biscuti cu ajutorul unui blender si amestecam cu 50 grame unt topit. Impartim amestecul in cele 4 inele in mod egal si presam bine. Lasam la frigider pana in momentul in care este gata si crema.
Intr-un ibric punem 1 lingurita gelatina la hidratat cu 25 ml apa rece.

Pentru crema mixam branza Philadelphia cu 4 linguri zahar pudra, esenta de vanilie si un praf de sare. Adaugam usor smantana dulce, mixand incontinuu.
Punem la incalzit, la foc mic, ibricul cu gelatina hidratata. Amestecam mereu si avem grija sa nu fiarba.
Cand gelatina este topita dam de o parte si punem in ibric 1 lingura din amestecul de branza, amestecand energic. Ulterior acest amestec il turnam peste restul de crema, mixand continuu.
La sfarsit, adaugam in crema 10 biscuiti Oreo rupti in bucatele marisoare.
Punem amestecul peste blatul de biscuiti si lasam la rece 1-2 ore inainte de a servi.
Decoram cu frisca si biscuiti mini-Oreo.

English version:
Start by preparing the shapes for the cheescake. I used metal rings for cooking. Inside them, cut a baking paper and covered the side edges so that we could remove the cheescake from the ring without destroying the edges.
For the base: mix 10 biscuits with a blender and mix with 50 grams of melted butter. Divide the mixture into the 4 rings and sprinkle. Leave in the fridge until the cream is ready.
In a small pot, put 1 teaspoon of gelatin to hydrate with 25 ml of cold water.
For the cream, mix Philadelphia cheese with 4 tablespoons of powdered sugar, vanilla essence and a pinch of salt. Lightly add sweet cream, stirring constantly.
Heat the small pot with hydrated gelatin over low heat. Stir constantly and be careful not to boil.
When the gelatin is melted, set it aside and put 1 tablespoon of the cheese mixture, and mixture, in the pot. Then we pour this mixture over the rest of the cream, mixing continuously.
At the end, add in the cream 10 Oreo biscuits broken into small pieces.
Put the mixture over the cookie sheet and let it cool for 1-2 hours before serving.
Decorate with whipped cream and mini-Oreo biscuits.