La o simpla cautare pe celebrul “Google” gasesti 2 modele de spaghete carbonara: “originale” sau cu smantana.
Eu nu va prezint niciuna dintre cele doua variante. Sunt convinsa ca versiunea “originala” poate fi gustata doar in editie limita in anumite zone ale Italiei, iar varianta cu smantana este exclusa total. Nu exista carbonara cu smantana.
Insa, orice varianta am alege sa nu uitam principiul spaghetelor. 😊😊😊
(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 320 grame spaghete Barilla / 320 grams Barilla spaghetti
- 300 grame bacon / 300 grams bacon
- 50 grame pecorino si parmezan rase fin / 50 grams pecorino and parmesan finely grated
- 2 oua / 2 eggs
- 2 galbenusuri / 2 egg yolks
- 3 linguri ulei de masline / 3 tablespoon olive oil
- 5 catei de usturoi / 5 garlic cloves
- Sare / Salt
- Piper / Pepper
Fierbem pastele conform indicatiilor de pe ambalaj.
Intre timp, punem intr-o tigaie, uleiul la incins, adaugam usturoiul zdrobit cu lama cutitului si taiat grosier. Calim 1 minut si adaugam baconul. Prajim cateva minute si apoi adaugam o cescuta mica de apa in care fierb pastele. Lasam la foc mic.
Mixam ouale intregi cu galbenusurile si adaugam jumatate din amestecul de pecorino si parmezanul ras. Adaugam o cescuta mica cu apa de la paste amestecand in mod constant.
Cand pastele sunt fierte le scurgem si le adaugam in tigaia cu bacon. Nu le clatim ci le adaugam fierbinti. Le lasam pe foc 1-2 minute.
Tragem tigaia deoparte de pe foc si turnam deasupra amestecul de oua amestecand constant si rapid astfel incat sa nu obtinem o omleta.
Servim cu restul de branzeturi rase si piper proaspat macinat.
English version:
Boil the pasta according to the instructions on the package.
Meanwhile, put in a pan olive oil and add the crushed garlic with a knife blade. Heat for 1 minute and add the bacon. Fry for a few minutes and then add a small cup of water in which boil the pasta. Let it simmer.
Mix whole eggs with the yolks and add half of the mixture of pecorino and grated Parmesan. Add a small cup of pasta water, stirring constantly.
When the pasta is cooked, drain it and add it to the bacon pan. We do not rinse them because we want to add them hot. Let them simmer for 1-2 minutes.
Remove the pan from the heat and pour the egg mixture on top, stirring constantly and quickly in order not to obtain an omelet.
Serve with the rest of the grated cheese and freshly ground pepper.
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