Am dat iarasi un tur pe la Romo. De la producator direct la consumator, au ajuns pe masa mea, din nou, cele mai bune branzeturi marca Laptareasa din Tohan.
Asadar, am decis sa execut o placinta rapida cu urda si telemea asortata cu putin marar si un pahar mare de lapte batut.

(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 350 grame faina / 350 grams flour
- 200 grame iaurt / 200 grams yogurt
- 1 lingurita sare / 1 teaspoon salt
- 300 ml apa / 300 ml water
- 300 grame urda / 300 grams cottage cheese
- 200 grame telemea maturata / 200 grams salty cheese
- 9 linguri ulei de masline / 9 tablespoons olive oil
- Marar / Dill

Intr-un bol mixam faina, iaurtul, sarea, apa si 6 linguri de ulei de masline pana cand obtinem un aluat de o consistenta moale. Intr-o tava mare de aproximativ 36 x 32 cm (eu am folosit tava de la cuptor), asezam o foaie de copt si o ungem cu o lingura de ulei de masline. Turnam aluatul in tava si il nivelam cu ajutorul unei linguri. Sfaramam cele doua feluri de branza si le presaram peste aluat apasand usor cu palmele. Stropim placinta cu restul de ulei de masline si o coacem la 170 grade Celsius timp de 60 de minute.
Taiem placinta in patrate mari, presaram marar taiat fin si servim cu lapte batut.

English version
Cheese and dill pie
I took another tour of Romo. From the direct producer to the consumer, the best cheeses from Laptareasa din Tohan arrived on my table again.
So, I decided to make a quick pie with cottage cheese and salty cheese, serves with dill and a large glass of buttermilk.
In a bowl mix flour, yogurt, salt, water and 6 tablespoons of olive oil until you get a dough of a soft consistency. In a large tray of about 36 x 32 cm (I used the tray from the oven), place a baking sheet and grease it with a tablespoon of olive oil. Pour the dough into the pan and level it with a spoon. Crush the two kinds of cheese and sprinkle them over the dough, pressing lightly. Sprinkle the pie with the rest of the olive oil and bake at 170 degrees Celsius for 60 minutes.
Cut the pie into large squares, sprinkle with finely chopped dill and serve with buttermilk.