In cautarea painii perfecte, am incercat nenumarate metode de prepare, mixuri de faina, vase de copt, seminte. Iar in final am gasit reteta ideala pentru o paine integrala pufoasa si sanatoasa.

Asadar, dupa multe combinatii mai mult sau mai putin reusite, am ajuns la un mix de faina: integrala de grau, secara, alba de grau tip 550 si manitoba la care am asortat un amestec de fulgi de cereale integrale: ovaz, grau, secara, orz.

- 200 grame faina integrala de grau / 200 grams wholemeal flour
- 75 grame faina secara / 75 grams rye flour
- 300 grame faina tip 550 / 300 grams flour type 550
- 100 grame faina manitoba / 100 grams manitoba flour
- 3 linguri fulgi de cereale / 3 tablespoons cereal flakes
- 7 grame drojdie uscata / 7 grams dry yeast
- 435 ml apa calda / 435 ml warm water
- 1 lingura ulei de masline / 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1 lingurita miere / 1 teaspoon honey
- 1 lingurita sare / 1 teaspoon salt

Intr-un bol amestecam faina integrala, faina de secara, fulgii de cereale, mierea, drojdia si 300 ml apa calda. Lasam acest aluat o ora la odihnit si apoi adaugam uleiul de masline, amestecand bine. Acoperim bolul cu un capac sau o folie alimentara si lasam timp de 10-12 ore.
Dupa expirarea timpului, adaugam in bol faina alba tip 550, faina manitoba, 135 ml apa calda si sarea si framantam cu ajutorul unui robot de bucatarie, iar daca nu dispunem de un mixer, framantam manual. Acoperim bolul si lasam la dospit timp de 30 de minute, apoi mai framantam inca o data urmand sa lasam aluatul la dospit timp de 2 ore.
Pentru copt, va recomand o forma de copt cu capac. Se unge vasul cu ulei si il presaram cu putina faina. Rasturnam apoi aluatul pe masa unsa usor cu ulei si ii dam forma dreptunghiulara. Rulam aluatul presand usor fiecare margine. Dupa ce obtinem forma de paine, presaram pe masa cativa fulgi de cereale si rostogolim painea prin ei, presand usor. Punem painea in tava de copt, o acoperim cu capac si o mai lasam la crescut timp de 30 de minute.

Intre timp incingem cuptorul la temperatura maxima. Cand cuptorul este incins, reducem temperatura la 200 grade Celsius si introducem tava pentru 45 de minute. Scoatem painea din forma si o lasam la racit pe un gratar.

English version:
Mix Cereal Bread
Looking for the perfect bread, I tried countless methods of preparation, flour mixes, baking dishes, seeds. And finally I found the perfect recipe for a fluffy and healthy wholemeal bread.
So, after more or less successful combinations, I got at the ideal combination of flour: whole wheat, rye, white wheat type 550 and manitoba with a mixture of cereal flakes: whole: oats, wheat, rye, barley.
In a bowl mix whole wheat flour, rye flour, cereal flakes, honey, yeast and 300 ml of warm water. Let this dough rest for an hour and then add the olive oil, mixing well. Cover the bowl with a lid or cling film and leave for 10-12 hours.
After the time expires, add in the bowl white flour type 550, manitoba flour, 135 ml warm water and salt and knead with a food processor or manual. Cover the bowl and leave to rise for 30 minutes, then knead once more and leave the dough to rise for 2 hours.
For baking, I recommend a baking tray with a lid. Grease the tray with oil and sprinkle with a little flour. Then turn the dough on the table lightly greased with oil and give it a rectangular shape. Roll the dough, lightly sprinkling each edge. After obtaining the bread form, sprinkle a few cereal flakes on the table and roll the bread through them, pressing lightly. Put the bread in the baking tray, cover it with a lid and leave it to rise for another 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, heat the oven to maximum temperature. When the oven is hot, reduce the temperature to 200 degrees Celsius and insert the tray for 45 minutes. Remove the bread from the pan and leave it to cool on a grill.