Mic dejun sau gustare? Astazi alegem aromele tropicale de mango, cocos si proteine obtinute din seminte de canepa pentru un “boost” de energie.
(pentru 1 portie / for 1 serving)
- 150 grame mango / 150 grams mango
- 375 ml apa de cocos sau lapte de migdale / 375 ml coconut water or almond milk
- 2 lingurite seminte de canepa / 2 teaspoons hemp seeds
- 2 lingurite unt de cocos / 2 teaspoons coconut butter
Intr-un blender punem toate ingredientele si le mixam timp de 45 de secunde pentru a obtine un amestec omogen. Servim imediat.
English version:
Breakfast or snack? Today we choose the tropical flavors of mango, coconut and protein obtained from hemp seeds for an „energy boost”. Put all the ingredients in a blender and mix them for 45 seconds to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Serve immediately.
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