Chef de ceva bun si rapid? Haideti sa incercam palmieri! O reteta rapida care poate fi pregatita si de catre copii, doar cu putin ajutor.
- 1 foaie de aluat foietaj (275 grame) / 1 pastry puff sheet (275 grams)
- 5 linguri zahar brun / 5 tablespoons brown sugar
(pentru 12 bucati / for 12 pieces)
Desfacem foietajul si il presaram cu zahar. Trecem sucitorul usor peste foaia de aluat pentru a fixa zaharul. Marcam usor mijlocul aluatului si incepem sa rulam ambele parti ale aluatului catre mijloc. Taiem ruloul obtinut in felii groase de 1.5 – 2 centimetri si le asezam intr-o tava. Coacem palmierii la 200 grade Celsius timp de 15-20 minute pana cand sunt rumeniti.
Daca v-a placut reteta de palmieri, puteti incerca si alte deserturi inspirate.
English version
Palmier cookies
In the mood for something good and fast? Let’s try palm trees! A quick recipe that can be prepared by children, just with a little help.
Open the puff pastry and sprinkle it with sugar. Lightly roll the rolling pin over the sheet of dough to set the sugar. Slightly mark the middle of the dough and start rolling both sides of the dough in the middle. Cut the obtained roll into 1.5 – 2 centimeters thick slices and place them in a tray. Bake the palms at 200 degrees Celsius for 15-20 minutes until browned.
If you liked the palmier cookies recipe, you can try other inspired desserts.
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