Descoperita de curand, aceasta combinatie m-a cucerit pentru totdeauna. Pana acum nu am dat nicio sansa sosului pesto, deoarece am incercat doar variantele de sos la borcan, care nu au nicio legatura cu pasiunea pentru cooking 😜. Asta pana cand Alina a trecut pe la mine si m-a convins sa incerc un sos pesto proaspat. Achizitionat tot din supermarket, ce-i drept, insa de la frigiderul cu produse “fresh”. Diferenta? De la cer la pamant!!
(pentru 1 portie / for 1 serving)
- 80 grame penne integrale / 80 grams wholemeal penne
- 2 linguri sos pesto / 2 tablespoons pesto sauce
- 1 rosie / 1 tomato
- 2 bile mozzarella / 2 mozzarelle balls
- Sare / Salt
Fierbem pastele conform indicatiilor de pe ambalaj. Inainte de a le scurge, pastram putin din apa in care acestea au fiert. Intr-un bol amestecam pastele cu 2 linguri de apa si cu sosul pesto. Le lasam la racit, amestecand ocazional astfel incat sa nu se usuce. Cand sunt reci, amestecam cu mozzarella taiata in bucati marisoare si cu rosia taiata felii. Potrivim de sare si servim cu multa pofta!
English version:
Recently discovered, this combination conquered me forever. So far I have not given any chance to the pesto sauce, because I only tried the variants of the sauce in the jar, which have nothing to do with the passion for cooking 😜. That was until Alina passed by me and convinced me to try a fresh pesto sauce. Also purchased from the supermarket, but from the refrigerator with „fresh” products. The difference? From heaven to earth !!
Boil the pasta according to the instructions on the package. Before draining the pasta, keep some water from the pasta. In a bowl, mix the pasta with 2 tablespoons of pasta water and the 2 tablespoons of pesto sauce. Let them cool, stirring occasionally so that they do not dry out. When cold, mix with mozzarella cut into pieces and sliced tomatoes. Season with salt and serve with great appetite!
arata delicios