Daaa… chiar daca nu pare a venit vara. La pachet cu rosii gustoase, zmeura culeasa din spatele gradinii si evident porumb.
Sa fie porumb sub orice forma .. fiert, copt sau la gratar.
Astazi am ales varianta … copt!
Desfacem cateva frunze de pe porumb si inlaturam matasea acestuia. Spalam stiuletii, pastrandu-i “imbracati” in cativa panusi. Ii stergem bine cu un prosop si ii introducem in cuptorul incins la 180 grade Celsius.
Ii coacem timp de 45 de minute, rotindu-i din cand in cand.
Ii servim presarati cu sare.
English version/
Yeah … even though it doesn’t look like summer has come. Packed with tasty tomatoes, raspberries picked from behind the garden and obviously corn.
Be it corn in any form … boiled, baked or grilled.
Today I chosed … baked!
Unwrap a few leaves from the corn and remove its silk. We wash the skewers, keeping them „dressed” in a few cloths. Wipe them well with a towel and put them in the oven heated to 180 degrees Celsius.
Bake them for 45 minutes, rotating them from time to time.
In the end, sprinkle them with salt.
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