Crudo? Cotto? Nici nu are importanta. Sunt la fel de bune amandoua. Iar daca le asociem cu un platou de branzeturi si o paine calda, rezultatul este senzational.
Pentru painea calda am folosit reteta de la flatbread. Este o reteta extrem de versatila si o putem folosi de la blat de pizza pana la aceste painici gen “panini”.
Respectati ingredientele si timpii de dospire de la flatbread. Apoi impartiti aluatul in 4 bile si le modelati sub forma de bile presarate cu gris. Lasati bilele sub un prospop la dospit 30 minute, apoi le aplatizati sub forma de painici cu diamentru de aproximativ 12 cm. Le mai pasam la dospit 30 minute, apoi le ungem cu ulei de masline si le presaram cu sare mare. Le coacem in cuptorul incins la 200 grade (functie ventilatie) timp de 15 minute pana cand sunt frumos rumenite.
Taiem painicile si le umplem cu valeriana si prosciutto crudo sau cotto, dupa plac.
Le servim cu un platou de branzeturi. Recomand branzeturile traditional romanesti achizionate din surse cat mai “naturale”. De preferat ferme taranesti. In platou am ales: urda, cas, cascaval si branza de capra.
Maslinele le-am marinat usor cu usturoi, oregano si ulei de masline.
English version:
Crudo? Cotto? It doesn’t even matter. Both of them are perfect. And if we combine them with a plate of cheese and a warm loaf, the result will result is sensational.
For the hot bread I used the flatbread recipe. It is an extremely versatile recipe and we can use it from the pizza to these „panini” bread.
For the bread take into consideration the ingredients and the resting times from flatbread. Then divide the dough into 4 balls and shape them amd sprinkled with semolina. Leave the balls under a kitchem towel for 30 minutes, then flatten them into loaves with a diameter about 12 cm. Let them rest for another 30 minutes, then grease them with olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt. Bake them in the oven heated to 200 degrees (ventilation function) for 15 minutes until they are nicely browned.
Cut the breads and fill them with valerian and prosciutto crudo or cotto, as you like.
Serve them with a plate of cheese. I recommend the traditional Romanian cheeses purchased from the most „natural” sources. Preferably peasant farms. In the plate I chose: soft cheese called “urda”, cottage cheese, goat cheese.
I lightly marinated the olives with garlic, oregano and olive oil.
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