Dulci – acrisoare, ciupercile murate sunt o garnitura ideala pentru orice fel de friptura la gratar sau la cuptor. Desi ne-am dori sa le servim imediat trebuie sa avem rabdare macar 3 zile pentru un gust complet.
(pentru 8 portii / for 8 servings)
- 1 kg ciuperci pleurotus / 1 kg oyster mushrooms
- 500 ml apa / 500 ml water
- 100 ml otet / 100 ml vinegar
- 50 grame zahar / 50 grams sugar
- 1 lingura boabe de mustar / 1 tablespoon mustard seeds
- 1 lingura boabe de piper / 1 tablespoon peppercorns
- 25 grame sare mare / 25 grams salt
- 15 catei de usturoi / 15 garlic cloves
Curatam bine ciupercile, indepartand eventualele urme de pamant si le spalam rapid cu apa rece. Intr-o oala adanca punem apa la fiert. In momentul in care apa fierbe, adaugam ciupercile si lasam la fiert timp de 10 minute.
Intre timp, fierbem separat apa, otetul, sarea, zaharul, boabele de mustar si boabele de piper timp de 2 – 3 minute.
Cand ciupercile sunt fierte se scurg, se lasa sa se racoreasca putin si se aranjeaza in 2 borcane impreuna cu cateii de usturoi. Turnam deasupra amestecul de otet si inchidem ermetic borcanele. Lasam la temperatura camerei timp de 3 zile apoi mutam borcanele la rece sau le putem servi.
Ca si sugestie de servire, putem sa adaugam putin ulei de masline, extra-usturoi pisat si cateva cubulete de gogosar murat (pentru culoare) 😎
English version:
Pickled mushroom salad
Sweet and sour, pickled mushrooms are an ideal garnish for any kind of grilled or baked steak. Although we would like to serve them immediately, we must be patience for at least 3 days for a complete taste.
Clean the mushrooms well, removing any traces of soil and wash them quickly with cold water. Put boiling water in a deep pot. When the water boils, add the mushrooms and let it boil for 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, boil water, vinegar, salt, sugar, mustard seeds and peppercorns for 2-3 minutes.
When the mushrooms are cooked, drain them, let them cool a little and arrange them in 2 jars together with the garlic cloves. Pour the vinegar mixture on top and seal the jars. Leave at room temperature for 3 days then move the jars to the cold or we can serve them.
As a serving suggestion, we can add a little olive oil, crushed extra-garlic and a few diced pickled peppers (for color) 😎
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