Ati ajuns seara tarziu acasa si nu aveti timp pentru a pregati cina? Aceasta reteta este una extrem de simpla, gustoasa si consistenta. Daca sardinele nu va sunt pe plac, le puteti inlocui cu ton.
(pentru 2 persoane / for 2 servings)
- 1 conserva sardine in ulei / 1 canned sardines in oil
- 1 conserva naut / 1 canned chickpeas
- 1 ceapa rosie / 1 red onion
- Mix de salata / Salad mix
- 1 lingura otet de mere Cerbul Acru / 1 tablespoon apple vinegar
- Sare / Salt
- Fulgi de chilli / Chilli flakes
Intr-un bol amestecam ceapa taiata marunt, nautul, otetul de mere si conserva de sardine scursa de ulei. Pe un platou aranjam mixul de salata verde si amestecul de peste. Servim salata presarata cu fulgi de chilli.
English version:
Sardines Salad
Did you get home late in the evening and didn’t have time to prepare dinner? This recipe is extremely simple, tasty and consistent. If you don’t like sardines, you can replace them with tuna.
In a bowl, mix the finely chopped onion, chickpeas, apple cider vinegar and canned sardines drained of oil. On a plate we arrange the green salad mix and the fish mixture. Serve the salad sprinkled with chilli flakes.