Sta sa ploua cu … chiftele 😎


Chiftelutele sunt printre preparatele preferate ale multora dintre noi.

Insa, din diverse motive gen: proces de prepare prin prajire, carne grasa, combinatie cu cartofi in aluat… am ajuns sa le evitam.

Eu as vrea sa va prezint o varianta dietetica, pastrand acelasi gust si o consistenta suculenta. Sunt ideale cu legume proaspete sau cu mustar.


  • 400 grame pulpa dezosata de curcan / 400 grams of boneless turkey leg
  • 1 dovlecel / 1 zucchini
  • 20 grame parmezan / 20 grams parmesan
  • 1 lingura pesmet / 1 tablespoon bread crumbles
  • 1 lingura faina integrala / 1 tablesoon wholemeal
  • 3 catei de usturoi / 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 ceapa alba / 1 onion
  • 1 ou / 1 egg
  • Sare / Salt
  • Piper / Pepper
  • Chilli / Chilli
  • Cimbru / Thyme

Tocam pulpa de curcan si o amestecam cu condimentele. Daca nu va place varianta picanta puteti sa renuntati la chilli. Intre timp curatati dovlecelul, il dati pe razatoare si il lasati 20 de minute intr-o strecuratoare la scurs.

In carnea amestecata cu condimente, adaugam ceapa alba si usturoiul date pe razatoarea mica, adaugam pesmetul, faina, parmezanul ras. La sfarsit adaugam dovleceii pe care ii presam usor intre palme.

Formam chiftelutele si le preparam in Actifry fara adaos de ulei. In cazul in care nu detinem Actifry le coacem in cuptor.

English version:

Meatballs are among the favorite dishes of many of us.

But, for various reasons such as: the process of preparing through fried, fatty meat, potatoes combination … we ended up avoiding them.

I would like to present you a diet option, keeping the same taste and a juicy consistency. They are ideal with fresh vegetables or mustard.

Chop the turkey pulp and mix it with the spices. If you don’t like the spicy version, you can give up chilli. Meanwhile, clean the zucchini, put it on the grater and leave it in a strainer for 20 minutes.

In the meat mixed with spices, add the white onion and garlic given on a small grater, add the breadcrumbs, flour, grated Parmesan cheese. At the end we add the zucchini which we press lightly between the palms.

Form the meatballs and prepare them in Actifry without the addition of oil. If we do not have Actifry, bake them in the oven.


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