Desi tagliata este un preparat cu origine italiana, iar chimichurri este un sos argentinian, combinatia este de mare succes.
Initial, am descoperit aceasta asociere la un targ international organizat la Viena. Pe langa produsele traditionale oferite spre vanzare, acestia te ademeneau si cu bunatati din bucataria locala. Odata ajunsa la standul Argentinei am mancat cel mai simplu si in acelasi timp bun, sandwich cu steak de vita si sos chimichurri acompaniat de un pahar de vin rosu, evident argentinian.
(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)
Tagliata / Tagliata
- 300 grame antricot de vita / 400 grams beef steak
- Mix de salata verde / Mix green salad
- Felii de paine Ciabatta / Ciabatta bread slices
Sos chimichurri / Chimichurri sauce
- 1 cana patrunjel verde / 1 cup parsley
- 1 ceapa rosie taiata cubulete / 1 diced red onion
- 1 lingurita oregano / 1 teaspoon oregano
- 3 catei de usturoi / 3 garlic cloves
- 2 linguri suc de lamaie / 2 tablespoons lemon juice
- 2 linguri otet de coacaze Cerbul Acru / currant vinegar
- 1/4 lingurita sare / 1/4 salt
- 1/4 lingurita piper / 1/4 teaspoon pepper
- 1/4 fulgi de chilli / 1/4 chilli flakes
- 1/2 cana ulei de masline / 1/2 cup olive oil
Sos de usturoi si patrunjel / Garlic and parsley sauce
- 1 catel de usturoi / 1 garlic cloves
- 1 lingura ulei de masline / 1 teaspoon olive oil
- 3 linguri smantana / 3 tablespoons sour cream
- 1 lingura patrunjel verde / 1 tablespoon parsley
- Sare / Salt
Pentru rezultate excelente, recomand ca prepararea acestei retete sa inceapa cu o zi inainte pentru a asigura imprietenirea tuturor aromelor.
Asadar, presaram carnea cu sare mare si o lasam la frigider pana a doua zi. Inainte de prepararea termica, o scoatem din frigider cu 2 ore inainte pentru a ajunge la temperatura camerei. Incingem grill-ul si prajim carnea timp de 3 minute pe fiecare parte. Daca va place friptura well done, mariti timpul de preparare cu 2 minute pe fiecare parte. Lasam carnea apoi sa se odihneasca timp de 10 minute si o taiem felii. Aranjam carnea pe un pat de salata verde si o presaram cu sare mare. Dupa ce luam carnea de pe grill, adaugam feliile de paine si le prajim pe ambele parti.
Pentru sosul chimichurri, punem toate ingredientele cu exceptia uleiului de masline, intr-un blender si mixam. La sfarsit adaugam uleiul de masline, amestecam si lasam amestecul la marinat in frigider minim o zi.
Pentru sosul de usturoi, mixam toate ingredientele in blender si lasam la rece pana servim.
Servim tagliata cu sos chimichurri, sos de usturoi si patrunjel si paine prajita.
English version
Tagliata & Chimichurri sauce
Although tagliata is a dish with Italian origin, and chimichurri is an Argentine sauce, the combination is very successful.
Initially, I discovered this association to an international fair organized in Vienna. In addition to the traditional products offered for sale, they tempted you with goodies from the local cuisine. Once at the Argentine stand, I ate the simplest and at the same time very good, sandwich with beef steak and chimichurri sauce accompanied by a glass of red wine, obviously Argentinian.
For excellent results, I recommend that the preparation of this recipe start the day before to ensure the friendship of all flavors.
So, sprinkle the meat with salt and leave it in the fridge until the next day. Before cooking, take it out of the fridge 2 hours before to reach room temperature. Heat the grill and fry the meat for 3 minutes on each side. If you like steak well done, increase the cooking time with 2 minutes on each side. Then let the meat rest for 10 minutes and cut it into slices. Arrange the meat on a bed of mix green salad and sprinkle with large salt. After removing the meat from the grill, add the slices of bread and fry them on both sides.
For the chimichurri sauce, put all the ingredients except the olive oil in a blender and mix. At the end, add the olive oil, mix and put the marinade mixture in the fridge for at least a day.
For the garlic sauce, mix all the ingredients in a blender and leave to cool until served.
Serve tagliata with chimichurri sauce, garlic and parsley sauce and toast.