Tagliolini cu trufe si sos de unt sunt o combinatie geniala de paste cu trufe si sosul cremos Cacio e Pepe. Practic folosim ingrediente similare si aceeasi metoda de gatit, emulsionand branza, unt si apa pentru a crea un sos fin si cremos.
(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)
- 250 grame taglioni cu trufe / 250 grams truffle tagliolini
- 100 grame unt / 100 grams butter
- 2 lingurite ulei de trufe / 2 teaspoons truffle oil
- 50 grame parmezan / 50 grams parmesan
- 1 lingurita piper / 1 teaspoon pepper
- Sare / Salt
Punem apa la fiert cu o lingurita de sare. Cand apa fierbe adaugam pastele si le fierbem conform indicatiilor de pe ambalaj, insa scurtam timpul de preparare cu 1 minut. Eu am ales pastele proaspete cu trufe din colectia Deluxe de la Lidl, cu timp normal de fierbere 3 minute si le-am pregatit timp de 2 minute.
Intre timp incingem untul intr-o tigaie. Cand acesta este topit adaugam o lingurita de ulei de trufe, piperul proaspat macinat si 100 ml de apa in care fierb pastele. Emulsionam sosul si lasam la fiert timp de 2 minute. Adaugam pastele in sos si continuam sa gatim adaugand o lingura de parmezan si 20 ml de apa. Repetam acest pas de 3 ori pana obtinem un sos cremos.
La sfarsit mai adaugam o lingurita de ulei de trufe si presaram pastele cu parmezan si piper negru.
Servim alaturi de un pahar de Alb de Valahia de la Crama Stramutata, un Sauvignon Blanc plin de viata, aromat, cu note de soc.
Daca v-a placut reteta de Tagliolini cu trufe si sos de unt, va invit sa incercati si o portie de Fettuccine Chicken Alfredo sau o tigaie cu Linguine aglio, olio e peperoncino & frutti di mare.
English version
Truffle Tagliolini with Butter Sauce
Truffle Tagliolini with Butter Sauce are a brilliant combination of pasta with truffles and the creamy Cacio e Pepe sauce. Basically we use similar ingredients and the same cooking method, emulsifying cheese, butter and water to create a smooth and creamy sauce.
Boil water with a teaspoon of salt. When the water boils, add the pasta and cook according to the instructions on the package, but shorten the cooking time by 1 minute. I chose the fresh pasta with truffles from the Deluxe collection from Lidl, with a normal cooking time of 3 minutes and I prepared them for 2 minutes.
Meanwhile, heat the butter in a pan. When it is melted, add a teaspoon of truffle oil, freshly ground pepper and 100 ml of water in which the pasta is boiled. Emulsify the sauce and let it boil for 2 minutes. Add the pasta to the sauce and continue cooking by adding a spoonful of Parmesan cheese and 20 ml of water. Repeat this step 3 times until get a creamy sauce.
At the end, add a teaspoon of truffle oil, sprinkle the pasta with parmesan and black pepper and serve with a glass of Wallachian White from Crama Stramutata, a lively, aromatic Sauvignon Blanc with elder notes.
If you liked the Truffle Tagliolini with Butter Sauce, I invite you to try a portion of Fettuccine Chicken Alfredo or a pan with Linguine aglio, olio e peperoncino & frutti di mare.
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