Unde mancam la mare … Olimp!


Continuam incursiunea la malul marii si ne oprim in Olimp. Asadar, unde mancam la mare … Olimp!

Am descoperit o statiune diferita fata de ceea ce ofera restul litoralului romanesc. Plaje curate, frumos amenajate in golfuri care iti ofera o priveliste absolut superba asupra Marii Negre.

Unde mancam la mare … Olimp!

Vom discuta astazi despre o cherhana, un beach bar si un loc minunat pentru petrecerea timpului liber.

Haideti sa incepem cu Popasul Pescarilor! Aflat, de fapt, in localitatea 23 August este usor accesibil turistilor cazati in Olimp. Recomand o plimbare pe malul marii la ora cinei. Apusul este absolut superb, asadar nu trebuie sa il ratati.

Unde mancam la mare … Olimp!

Desi locatia este destul de mare, pentru a fi siguri ca veti gasi o masa disponibila, incercati sa faceti o rezervare telefonica prealabila.

Meniul este destul de ofertant, insa din pacate nu toate preparatele sunt disponibile. Probabil ca depinde si de captura de peste din ziua respectiva. Cu mici deviatii, pe care le voi puncta mai jos, imaginea de ansamblu este una buna.

Unde mancam la mare … Olimp!

Ce mi-a placut: mancarea foarte gustoasa si peisajul.

Ce nu mi-a placut: servirea lasa de dorit, aperitivele aduse la masa deodata cu felul principal, cosul cu multa paine plasat pe masa imediat ce te-ai asezat si taxat la 100 grame indiferent daca mananci sau nu (inca mai consider aceste obiceiuri vechi o forma de inselat).

Continuam cu un mic rasfat pe plaja, Copahavana Beach. Frumos amenajat, cocktail-uri aspectuoase si gustoase, barmanul usor plictisit si neprietenos. Insa pe ansamblu, merita incercat macar o data.

Unde mancam la mare … Olimp!
Unde mancam la mare … Olimp!

Incheiem seara in parcul de relaxare de la Novum by the Sea. O experienta inedita atat pentru copii cat si pentru adulti. Las mai bine pozele sa vorbeasca de la sine.

Unde mancam la mare … Olimp!
Unde mancam la mare … Olimp!

Daca v-a placut “Unde mancam la mare … Olimp!”, va recomand sa incercati sa dati o fuga si la Costinesti sau chiar in Constanta.

Scurta precizare: nu voi atinge in postarile mele subiectul preturilor. Insa, voi puncta faptul ca de cate ori ma aflu pe litoralul romanesc am senzatia ca discutam despre preturi necompetitive, nejustificat de mari, stabilite astfel incat sa acopere si profitul din extra-sezon.

Emglish version:

Nice places Black Sea … Olimp

We continue the holiday to the sea and stop in Olimp. So, where do we eat at sea… Olimp!

I discovered a different resort from what the rest of the Romanian coast offers. Clean beaches, beautifully arranged in bays that offer you an absolutely superb view of the Black Sea.

Today we will talk about a fish restaurant, a beach bar and a wonderful place to spend quality time.

Let’s start with Popasul Pescarilor! Located, in fact, in 23 August, it is easily accessible to tourists staying in Olimp. I recommend a walk by the sea at dinner time. The sunset is absolutely gorgeous, so you should not miss it.

Although the location is quite spacious, to be sure that you will find a table available, try to make a telephone reservation in advance.

The menu is quite offertant, but unfortunately not all dishes are available. It probably depends on the catch of the day. With small deviations, which I will point out below, the overall picture is a good one.

What I liked: the very tasty food and the landacape.

What I didn’t like: the serving leaves something to be desired, the appetizers brought to the table along with the main course, the bread basket brought to the table as soon as you sat down and charged 100 grams regardless of whether you eat or not (I still consider these old habits unfair).

We continue with a short stop at Copahavana Beach. Beautifully arranged, good-looking and tasty cocktails, the bartender slightly bored and unfriendly. But overall, it’s worth a try.

End the evening in the relaxation park at Novum by the Sea. A unique experience for both children and adults. I better let the pictures speak for themselves.

If you liked „Where we eat at the sea… Olimp!”, I recommend you try also Costinesti or Constanta.

Brief note: I will not touch the prices’ subject in my posts. But, I will point out the fact that every time I am on the Romanian coast I have the feeling that we are talking about non-competitive prices, unjustifiably high, set so as to cover the profit from the off-season.


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