Locuri faine in Constanta


Dupa foarte multi ani, am decis sa ma reintorc la malul marii pe tarmul romanesc … cu foarte multe emotii, deoarece ultimele experiente nu fusesera foarte placute. Asadar, in contextul pandemic actual, mi-am luat inima in dinti si am zis “Hai la marea noastra ca sa gasim locuri faine in Constanta!”

Am descoperit o Constanta mult schimbata, cu multe locuri faine. Pentru ca, asa cum stiti, scopul “Inspiratie la Fix” este de a identifica si de a va recomanda locatii interesante in care sa va bucurati de o masa buna.

Acest articol va fi primul din seria “DO’s & DON’Ts”, deoarece este foarte important sa aveti o imagine de ansamblu cu bune si cu rele.

Asadar sa incepem cu micul dejun! 😎


Poate unul dintre cele mai tari restaurante, Crazy va ofera o nebunie de mic dejun. Aflat la strada, aparent nu iti spune mare lucru, insa dupa ce il ocolesti pentru a identifica intrarea principala, descoperi o gradina cu o vegetatie luxurianta, extrem de linistita. Oameni faini te intampina atat la intrare cat si la servire. Totul este extrem de degajat si familiar. Te hotarasti cu greu ce sa alegi, desi meniul in sine nu este foarte variat, ceea ce constituie un mare plus (nu avem nevoie de meniuri interminabile din care jumatate din produse nu exista sau sunt de proasta calitate).

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Asadar, sa fie mic dejun romanesc, mexican si american: oua in diverse variante si cele mai “fluffy” pancakes.

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Asadar, Crazy este de departe una dintre cele mai bune alegeri pentru un mic dejun inspirat.

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Mergem mai departe cu o priveliste de mare exceptie la cina! 😍

Le Premier

Aici va veti bucura in primul rand de cea mai buna priveliste a unui restaurant catre Marea Neagra. Extrem de amabili si serviabili, orientati catre clienti. Am ajuns la Le Premier cu rezervare prealabila confirmata foarte prompt, prin intermediul Messenger. Ce ne-a mai placut? Meniurile digitale prin intermediul QR Code, foarte apreciate in aceste vremuri pandemice.

Designul interior al restaurantului este foarte frumos, insa va recomand cu caldura sa incercati sa rezervati o masa pe terasa la ora apusului.

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Incepeti cu cateva aperitive delicioase si mai ales nu ratati salata de icre de stiuca, hummus facut in casa cu vita sau calamarii crispy serviti cu salata verde si lime.

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Pentru felul principal puteti alege creveti scampi cu sos de unt si ierburi aromatice, frigarui cu halloumi si mix de salata, paste cu sos de rosii, busuioc si parmezan sau o portie generoasa de aripioare de pui crispy.

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Nu ratati un cocktail Hugo care sa desavarseasca albastrul marii si daca mai ramane putin loc pentru desert incercati tortul Snickers cu blat brownie, crema de ciocolata alba, caramel si glazura de ciocolata belgiana sau Naked Eclair cu crema de vanilie si fistic.

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Intre timp ne bucuram de o zi pe plaja Neversea, cred ca una dintre cele mai frumoase plaje din Constanta.

Plaja Neversea

O plaja frumoasa, acoperita cu nisip, cochet aranjata pentru comfortul nostru. Dam o sansa si barului de pe plaja si alegem un Strawberry Mojito, un Frappe si o Limonada cu Mango. Servire ireprosabila si facila cu ajutorul meniurilor digitale.

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Mergem mai departe si ne racorim cu cele mai bune bauturi la ….


Botanica este unul dintre cele mai frumoase locuri pe care le-am vazut. Un design interior de mare exceptie cu o terasa superba, plina de vegetatie.

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Specialitatea lor sunt cocktail-urile pe baza de gin, insa nu ratati limonadele. Pe primul loc este cea cu lavanda, urmata indeaproape de cea cu trandafiri si soc.

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Trecem cu pasi repezi catre rubrica DON’Ts cu:


In zona portului se afla o pietonala frumos amenajata cu restaurante si terase cu vedere la mare. Zona este destul de aglomerata, insa peisajul compenseaza. Nu foarte inspirati am ales INLARG. Din pacate, aici persista inca vechile metehne ale litoralului romanesc cu servire de proasta calitate, mancare nu foarte proaspata si poate, cel mai grav, igiena precara.

Odata ajunsi acolo, nimeni nu stia nimic despre rezervarea noastra (noroc ca o aveam in scris). Suparata tare, ospatarita ne-a poftit la o masa, insa nimic din ce am solicitat din meniu nu era disponibil. Se pare ca doar pentru noi nu erau, aceleasi produse fiind servite clientilor care au venit dupa noi.

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Platoul cu fructe de mare pe plita era de fapt un platou cu fructe de mare cu tenta de fiert, fara sare, cu un gust usor amarui. Proaspete?!? Mi-e greu sa cred!

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Si nu in ultimul rand, o bulina mare si neagra pentru respectatea conditiilor igienico-sanitare: masa la care am fost poftiti nu a fost curatata anterior avand urmele oaspetilor care au servit masa inainte; folosirea grupurilor sanitare de catre angajati fara a se spala pe maini (chiuveta de la bar, din cate stiu, are alta folosinta, nu cea de igienizare dupa ce ai folosit toaleta).

Detaliile fac diferenta mai ales cand vorbim de igiena, iar scuzele ca asta este forta de munca nu prea mai conteaza. Asadar, in afara de priveliste nu merita sa incercati.

Oricum ar fi, dupa cina, ne intoarcem obligatoriu la Neversea sa ne mai bucuram inca o data de magnifica Marea Neagra. 😎

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Daca v-a placut articolul “Locuri faine in Constanta”, va invit sa descoperiti locatii superbe in Spania, Dubai sau Amsterdam.

English version:

Great places in Constanta

After many years, I decided to return to the seaside on the Romanian coast. With lots of emotions, because the last experiences had not been very pleasant. So, in the current pandemic context, I said „Let’s go to our sea to discover beautiful places in Constanta!”

I discovered a changed Constanta with a lot of restaurants and terraces. Because as you know, the purpose of „Inspiratie la Fix” is to identify and recommend interesting places to enjoy a good meal, I will make a short review.

This article will be the first in the „DO’s & DON’Ts” series, because it is very important to have an overview with pros and cons.

Let’s start with breakfast: 😎


Perhaps one of the coolest restaurants, Crazy offers you a crazy breakfast. Located on the main street, apparently it doesn’t tell you much, but after you go around it to identify the main entrance, you discover a garden with a lush vegetation, extremely quiet. Nice people greet you both at the entrance and at the service. Everything is extremely relaxed and familiar. You have a difficult time deciding what to choose, although the menu itself is not very varied, which is a big plus (we do not need endless menus of which half of the products do not exist or are of poor quality).

So, let’s have Romanian, Mexican and American breakfast: eggs in various variants and the most „fluffy” pancakes.

So, Crazy, is by far one of the best choices for an inspired breakfast.

Let’s go on with a great view at dinner! 😍

Le Premier

First of all, here you will enjoy the best view of a restaurant to the Black Sea. Extremely kind and helpful, customer oriented. I arrived at Le Premier with a pre-booked confirmation very promptly, through Messanger. What else did we like? Digital menus via QR Code, very popular and useful in the pandemic times.

The interior design of the restaurant is very beautiful, but I highly recommend trying to book a table on the terrace at sunset.

Start with some delicious appetizers and especially don’t miss the pike roe salad, homemade beef hummus or crispy squid served with lettuce and lime.

For the main course you can choose shrimps scampi with butter sauce and mixed herbs, halloumi skewers and salad mix, pasta with tomato sauce, basil and parmesan or a generous portion of crispy chicken wings.

Don’t miss a Hugo cocktail that completes the blue of the sea and for dessert, try the Snickers cake with brownie crust, white chocolate cream, caramel and Belgian chocolate glaze or a Naked Eclair with vanilla cream and pistachio.

In the meantime enjoy a day on Neversea beach, I think one of the most beautiful beaches in Constanta.

Neversea Beach

A beautiful sandy beach, cosy arranged for our comfort. We also give the beach bar a try and choose a Strawberry Mojito, a Frappe and a Mango Lemonade. Impeccable and easy service with the help of digital menus.

We go on and cool off with the best drinks at….


Botanica is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. An exceptional interior design with a beautiful terrace full of vegetation.

Their specialty is gin-based cocktails, but don’t miss the lemonades. In the first place the one with lavender, followed closely by the one with roses and elderflower.

We move quickly to the DON’Ts section with:


In the port area there is a beautiful marina with restaurants and terraces overlooking the sea. The area is quite crowded but the landscape makes worth it. Not very inspired, I have choosen INLARG. Unfortunately, the old methods of the Romanian seaside still persist here with poor quality service, not very fresh food and the worst of all, poor hygiene.

Once there, no one knew anything about our reservation (luckily we had it in writing). Upset, the waitress invited us to a table, but nothing we requested from the menu was available. It seems that they were not just for us, the same products being served to the customers who came after us.

The seafood platter on the stove was actually a plate of seafood with a hint of boiling, without salt, with a slightly bitter taste. Fresh?!? It’s hard to believe!

And last but not least, a big minus for the hygienic-sanitary conditions: the table we were invited to was not cleaned before, having the traces of the guests who had served the meal before; the use of toilets by employees without washing their hands (the sink in the bar, as far as I know, has another use, not that of sanitation after using the toilet).

The details make the difference, especially when it comes to hygiene, and the excuses that “this is the workforce” don’t really matter anymore. So, apart from the view, it is not worth trying.

If you liked the article „Fine places in Constanta”, I invite you to discover beautiful locations in Spain, Dubai or Amsterdam.


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