… cu ciolan
De aceasta data intr-o versiune lejera cu “ciolan” de curcan. 😀
Varza calita cu aroma de toamna, insotita de pulpe de curcan gatite lent cu un continut redus de grasimi reprezinta o buna alegere pentru masa de pranz.
- 1 varza (aproximativ 1 kg) / 1 cabbage (1 kg)
- 1 ceapa alba / 1 onion
- 1 gogosar / 1 red pepper
- 2 rosii / 2 tomatoes
- 2 linguri ulei / 2 tablespoons oil
- 1 lingura pasta de ardei / 1 pepper sauce
- Boabe de piper / Black Peppercorns
- Chimen / Caraway
- Cimbru / Thyme
- Pulpe curcan / Turkey legs
Spalam si curatam foarte bine pulpele de curcan. Le presaram cu sare si le lasam cateva ore la rece, apoi le punem intr-o tava cu capac fara a adauga alte grasimi. Introducem tava in cuptorul incins la 160 grade Celsius pentru 3 ore, pana cand pulpele sunt frumos rumenite.
Intre timp, taiem ceapa marunt si o calim usor in ulei cu putin chimen. Adaugam varza taiata marunt si framantata in prealabil cu sare mare. Lasam varza pe foc pana se inmoaie usor si adaugam gogosarul taiat marunt, cimbrul si boabele de piper. Continuam sa gatim, adaugand din cand in cand cate o cescuta de apa si amestecand ocazional. Cand varza se inmoaie si se caleste uniform adaugam pasta de ardei si rosiile taiate felii. Mai lasam pe foc 15 minute.
Servim obligatoriu cu ardei iute si de ce nu, cu o mamaliguta calda.
English version:
Stewed cabbage
Autumn-flavored cabbage accompanied by slow-cooked turkey legs with a low fat content is a good choice for lunch.
Wash and clean the turkey legs very well. Sprinkle with salt and leave them for a few hours, then put them in a tray with a lid without adding other fats. Put the tray in the oven heated to 160 degrees Celsius for 3 hours, until the turkey is nicely browned.
Meanwhile, cut the onion into small pieces and lightly fry it in oil with a little caraway. Add finely chopped cabbage and kneaded in advance with salt. Leave the cabbage on the fire until it softens slightly and add the finely chopped pepper, thyme and peppercorns. Continue to cook, adding a cup of water from time to time and stirring occasionally. When the cabbage is soft, add the pepper paste and sliced tomatoes. Let it simmer for another 15 minutes.
It is a must to serve the stewed with hot peppers and why not, with hot polenta.
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