Workshop #AmintiriGustoase


Iata ca s-a mai scurs un an plin de retete inspirate, vizite in locatii ce merita incercate si evenimente culinare la care am participat cu drag. Insa nu se putea incheia fara participarea la o noua editie a workshopului #AmintiriGustoase, eveniment care ne-a adus din nou impreuna pentru a explora si celebra traditiile culinare.

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Workshop #AmintiriGustoase

Organizat in preajma Sarbatorilor de iarna, editia din acest an nu putea avea o alta tema decat Diversitate in gusturi si bucate – Repetitie de Craciun. Si cum echipa castigatoare nu se prea schimba, locatia pentru desfasurare a fost aleasa si in acest an tot Vinalia – Conacul din Ceptura.

Workshop #AmintiriGustoase

Dar hai sa vedem cum s-a desfasurat acesta editie – cea de-a patra!

Workshop #AmintiriGustoase

Cu invitatia in buzunar si cu un premiu adjudecat la categoria VEGETABLE m-am prezentat la datorie. Desi mijloc de decembrie, vremea a fost una mai degraba de toamna blanda, cu un soare foarte prezent pe toata durata evenimentului.  

Workshop #AmintiriGustoase

Si in editia din acest an anfitrionul a fost tot brasoveanul Chef Liviu Lambrino, care alaturi de patru super-coordonatori: Chef Alina Saftulescu (Chibut Boutique), Chef Karacsony Jozsef, Chef Marius Tudosiei (Bacania Veche), Patiser Alina Muntele (Ciocolata si Vanilie), a pregatit un meniu cu bucate inspirate, realizat in bucataria multifunctionala Electrolux Romania.

Workshop #AmintiriGustoase

Workshop #AmintiriGustoase

Workshop-ul a fost o oportunitate extraordinara de a invata tehnici noi de gatit, de a descoperi retete romanesti si din diferite colturi ale lumii si de a crea preparate ce ne-au adus aminte de momente speciale din trecut, toate cu iz festiv, menite sa ne introduca in starea de spirit sarbatorilor. Atmosfera a fost una placuta si interactiva, iar indrumarea expertilor a facut ca fiecare pas sa fie usor de urmat. Cu fiecare reteta, am redescoperit gusturi autentice care ne-au conectat la radacinile noastre.

Workshop #AmintiriGustoase

Am participat la atelierul care a pregatit Antreuri reci sub coordonarea Chef-ului Alina Saftulescu, unde am pregatit: Pate de casa din ficat de pui cu vin Merlot, salvie, nucsoara, mere rosii, merisoare si dulceata de afine, Crema de pastrav afumat si Crema de branzeturi. Toate preparatele absolut senzationale!

Workshop #AmintiriGustoase

Workshop #AmintiriGustoase

Workshop #AmintiriGustoase

Workshop #AmintiriGustoase

Workshop #AmintiriGustoase

Workshop #AmintiriGustoase

Workshop #AmintiriGustoase

Atelierul coordonat de Chef Karacsony Jozsef a pregatit: Jumari proaspete si Crema de jumari pe pat de paine prajita – activitate ce s-a desfasurat preponderent la exterior, in jurul tuciului.

Workshop #AmintiriGustoase

Felul principal a fost pregatit la atelierul coordonat de Chef Marius Tudosiei si a constat in cei mai deliciosi carnati in moare de varza cu cartofi Dauphinoise si sfecla rosie – salata calda.

Workshop #AmintiriGustoase

Workshop #AmintiriGustoase

Workshop #AmintiriGustoase

Desertul a fost unul festiv, in tema workshop-ului: Croquembouche. Alina Muntele si echipa sa au pregatit nu mai putin de 500 de choux care si-au gasit locul intr-un veritabil brad de Craciun.

Workshop #AmintiriGustoase

Workshop #AmintiriGustoase

Nu pot sa nu mentionez si atelierul simpaticilor de la Tara Hategului unde invatai in trei pasi cum poti sa devii un ardelean pur-sange, iar la final iti era emis un buletin de hategan.

Workshop #AmintiriGustoase

Aprecieri deosebite merg si catre Lidl Romania, care a sustinut acest eveniment cu ingrediente de cea mai buna calitate, catre Artesana, pentru produsele lor lactate artizanale care au completat perfect retetele, catre Matache Macelaru’, pentru cele mai bune preparate din carne, Alexandrion Romania, care a adus savoare serii cu bauturile lor rafinate si catre Aqua Carpatica pentru gustul puritatii.

Workshop #AmintiriGustoase

Workshop #AmintiriGustoase

Workshop #AmintiriGustoase

Workshop #AmintiriGustoase

Workshop #AmintiriGustoase

Seara s-a incheiat cu o cina in care am devorat preparatele pregatite de cele patru echipe, cu schimburi de povesti reale si like-uri, cu amicitii noi legate cu vechi prieteni virtuali, cu planuri pentru evenimente viitoare. 

Workshop #AmintiriGustoase

Dupa cum se stie, vinul cel bun se serveste cu mancare gustoasa si cu oameni dragi la masa iar aici, la Ceptura, toate au fost din nou la superlativ. Sunt multe note de 10 care ar trebui impartite in urma evenimentului, insa cu siguranta una dintre ele apartine gazdelor. Asadar, Amintiri Gustoase, un preparat marca Cronicari Digitali si Vinalia – Conacul din Ceptura, nota 10 (zece), cu felicitari! 

English version

Workshop #AmintiriGustoase

Here we are, another year has passed, filled with inspiring recipes, visits to must-try locations, and culinary events that I happily attended. However, the year couldn’t end without taking part in a new edition of the #AmintiriGustoase workshop, an event that brought us together once again to explore and celebrate culinary traditions. Organized close to the winter holidays, this year’s edition could only have one theme: Diversity in Flavors and Dishes – Christmas Rehearsal. And since the winning team rarely changes, this year’s venue was once again Vinalia – The Manor in Ceptura.

But let’s see how this fourth edition unfolded!

With the invitation in my pocket and an award secured in the VEGETABLE category, I showed up for duty. Despite being mid-December, the weather felt more like a mild autumn, with the sun shining brightly throughout the event.

As in previous years, the host was the Brasov-based Chef Liviu Lambrino, who, along with four super-coordinators – Chef Alina Saftulescu (Chibut Boutique), Chef Karacsony Jozsef, Chef Marius Tudosiei (Bacania Veche), and Pastry Chef Alina Muntele (Ciocolata si Vanilie)—prepared an inspired menu in the multifunctional Electrolux kitchen.

The workshop was an extraordinary opportunity to learn new cooking techniques, discover Romanian recipes and dishes from around the world, and create meals that reminded us of special moments from the past. All with a festive touch, designed to immerse us in the holiday spirit. The atmosphere was pleasant and interactive, and the experts’ guidance made each step easy to follow. With each recipe, we rediscovered authentic flavors that reconnected us to our roots.

I participated in the workshop for Cold Appetizers, led by Chef Alina Saftulescu, where we prepared: homemade chicken liver pâtÊ with Merlot wine, sage, nutmeg, red apples, cranberries, and blueberry jam; smoked trout cream; and cheese cream. All the dishes were absolutely sensational!

The workshop led by Chef Karacsony Jozsef prepared: fresh pork cracklings and crackling cream served on toasted bread—an activity conducted mostly outdoors around the cauldron.

The main course was prepared in the workshop led by Chef Marius Tudosiei and consisted of the most delicious sausages in pickled cabbage brine, served with Dauphinoise potatoes and warm beet salad.

The dessert was festive and perfectly matched the workshop theme: Croquembouche. Alina Muntele and her team prepared no fewer than 500 choux, which found their place in a real Christmas tree-shaped tower.

I must also mention the delightful workshop from Tara Hategului (Hateg Country), where you could learn in three simple steps how to become a true Transylvanian. At the end, you were even issued a Hategan ID card!

Special thanks also go to Lidl Romania, which supported this event with top-quality ingredients, to Artesana for their artisanal dairy products that perfectly complemented the recipes, to Matache Macelaru’ for the finest meat products, to Alexandrion Romania, which added flavor to the evening with their refined beverages and to Aqua Carpatica for the taste of purity

The evening concluded with a dinner where we devoured the dishes prepared by the four teams, exchanged real stories and likes, made new friends while reconnecting with old virtual ones, and laid plans for future events.

As we all know, good wine is best served with tasty food and beloved people at the table, and here in Ceptura, everything was once again top-notch. There are many perfect scores that should be handed out following this event, but one of them certainly belongs to the hosts. So, Amintiri Gustoase, powered by Cronicari Digitali and Vinalia – The Manor in Ceptura, a perfect 10, with congratulations!


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