Supa de Ceapa cu Camembert Timian – un Festin Elegant pentru Seara Perfecta. Supa de ceapa, o reteta clasica din bucataria franceza, isi gaseste o interpretare rafinata in aceasta varianta inedita, completata de bogatia cremoasa a branzei Camembert si crocantul baghetelor rumenite. Aceasta reteta combina simplitatea ingredientelor traditionale cu savoarea subtila a unui vin alb de calitate, pentru a crea un preparat sofisticat, perfect pentru o cina speciala sau o seara confortabila acasa. Cu o textura catifelata si un gust bogat, supa de ceapa cu Camembert Timian este mai mult decat o masa, este o experienta culinara care aduce impreuna aromele clasice ale cepei caramelizate, prospetimea vinului alb si delicatetea branzei topite.

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 2 portii)
- 100 grame branza Camembert Timian
- 250 grame ceapa
- 15 ml ulei de masline
- 15 grame unt
- 1 lingurita faina
- 100 ml vin alb sec
- 300 ml supa de pui Zwup
- 100 ml apa
- 8 felii bagheta
- Sare
- Piper

Curatam ceapa, o taiem pe jumatate, apoi o feliem fin in stil julienne. Intr-o oala, adaugam ceapa, uleiul de masline, untul, sarea si piperul. Sotam la foc mic timp de 10 minute, amestecand din cand in cand pentru a preveni lipirea.
Dupa ce ceapa s-a inmuiat si a devenit usor caramelizata, adaugam faina, vinul alb sec, supa de pui Zwup si apa. Acoperim oala cu un capac si lasam sa fiarba la foc mic timp de 20 de minute.

Intre timp, asezam feliile de bagheta pe o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si le coacem in cuptorul preincalzit, timp de aproximativ 5 minute, pana devin usor rumenite. Taiem branza Camembert in felii subtiri si le asezam deasupra baghetelor rumenite.
Transferam supa in doua boluri termorezistente si plasam deasupra fiecarui bol cate doua felii de bagheta acoperite cu Camembert. Asezam bolurile pe o tava, alaturi de celelalte patru felii de bagheta cu branza, si introducem tava in cuptorul preincalzit la 180°C. Lasam totul la cuptor timp de 10 minute, pana cand branza este frumos topita si rumenita.

Servim supa fierbinte, acompaniata de feliile de bagheta crocante cu branza cremoasa, alaturi de un pahar de Sauvignon Blanc Protocol de la Crama Stramutata – un vin proaspat si mineral, cu note delicate de flori de soc, agrise, ierburi salbatice si un finisaj elegant.

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English version
Onion Soup with Timian Camembert
Onion Soup with Timian Camembert – An Elegant Feast for the Perfect Evening. Onion soup, a classic recipe from French cuisine, takes on a refined twist in this unique version, enhanced by the creamy richness of Camembert cheese and the crunch of toasted baguette slices. This recipe combines the simplicity of traditional ingredients with the subtle flavor of a quality white wine, creating a sophisticated dish, perfect for a special dinner or a cozy night at home. With its velvety texture and rich taste, Onion Soup with Timian Camembert is more than just a meal—it’s a culinary experience that brings together the classic flavors of caramelized onions, the freshness of white wine, and the delicate creaminess of melted cheese.
INGREDIENTS (for 2 servings)
- 100 grams Timian Camembert cheese
- 250 grams onion
- 15 ml olive oil
- 15 grams butter
- 1 teaspoon flour
- 100 ml dry white wine
- 300 ml Zwup chicken stock
- 100 ml water
- 8 slices baguette
- Salt
- Pepper
Peel the onion, cut it in half, and then slice it finely into julienne strips. In a pot, add the onion, olive oil, butter, salt, and pepper. Sauté over low heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking.
Once the onion has softened and slightly caramelized, add the flour, dry white wine, Zwup chicken stock, and water. Cover the pot with a lid and let it simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.
Meanwhile, arrange the baguette slices on a baking tray lined with parchment paper and toast them in the preheated oven for about 5 minutes, until lightly golden. Slice the Camembert cheese into thin pieces and place them on top of the toasted baguette slices.
Transfer the soup into two heatproof bowls and place two slices of baguette with Camembert on top of each bowl. Arrange the bowls on a baking tray along with the remaining four slices of baguette with cheese, and bake in the preheated oven at 180°C for 10 minutes, until the cheese is beautifully melted and golden.
Serve the hot soup accompanied by the crispy baguette slices with creamy cheese, along with a glass of Sauvignon Blanc Protocol from Crama Strămutată—a fresh, mineral wine with delicate notes of elderflower, gooseberries, wild herbs, and an elegant finish.
If you enjoyed the Onion Soup with Timian Camembert recipe, you might also want to try Tomato Soup and Cheese Toast, Transylvanian Soup with Smoked Pork, Tarragon and Sour Cream or Finnish Salmon Soup.
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