Haideti sa sarbatorim Ziua Nationala a Romaniei cu cateva preparate traditionale.
Dupa placul fiecaruia, regasim pe platouri: varza calita cu ciolan afumat, carnati proaspeti, carnati afumati, cartofi in crusta de malai si muraturi.
(pentru 8 portii / for 8 servings)
- 1 ciolan afumat / 1 smoked pork hock
- 8 carnati afumati / 8 smoked sausages
- 8 carnati proaspeti / 8 fresh sausages
Varza calita
- 1 varza alba de aproximativ 1 kg / 1 cabbage (1 kg)
- 1 ceapa alba / 1 white onion
- 4 linguri pasta de ardei / 4 tablespoons pepper sauce
- 1 lingurita cimbru uscat / 1 teaspoon dried thyme
- 1 lingurita boabe de piper negru / 1 teaspoon black peppercorn
- sare / salt
Cartofi in crusta de malai
- 4 cartofi mari / 4 big potatoes
- 3 linguri malai / 3 tablespoons corn flour
- sare / salt
- 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespoons olive oil
Pentru ciolan, mie imi place sa folosesc tehnica de gatit “slow” pentru a fi bine patruns si fraged. Practic pun ciolanul intr-o tava adanca cu capac si il las la cuptor la 170 grade Celsius timp de 3 ore. Nu adaug alte condimente, deoarece imi place gustul afumat si copt al acestuia.
Carnatii proaspeti ii rulam si trecem prin mijlocul lor un bat de frigaruie. Ii asezam intr-o tava alaturi de carnatii afumati si ii dam la cuptor timp de 30 de minute la 170 grade Celsius.
Intre timp pregatim varza calita. Taiem varza marunt si o framantam usor cu sare. Intr-un ceaun turnam putin ulei si calim usor ceapa taiata marunt. Adaugam varza, cimbrul si boabele de piper si amestecam. Din cand in cand adaugam cate o cescuta de apa. Cand varza este aproape gata, adaugam pasta de ardei si mai lasam pe foc cateva minute. In timp ce avem carnatii la cuptor, punem si varza pentru 20 de minute astfel incat sa fie frumos rumenita.
Cat timp se pregateste varza calita, spalam bine cartofii cu ajutorul unui burete abraziv. Taiem cartofii in felii groase si le lasam in apa rece timp de 30 de minute. Apoi ii scurgem bine, ii uscam cu ajutorul unui prosop si adaugam sarea, uleiul si malaiul amestecandu-i bine. Eu i-am pregatit la Actifry insa se pot pregati si la cuptor la 170 grade Celsius timp de 50 de minute.
Asezam preparatele pe platouri, strangem toata familia in jurul mesei si servim cu multa pofta!
English version:
1st of December
Let’s celebrate Romania’s National Day with some traditional dishes!
According to our taste, we can find on the plates: cabbage with smoked pork hock, fresh sausages, smoked sausages, potatoes in corn flour and pickles.
For smoked hock, I like to use the „slow” cooking technique to be well done and soft. Basically, put the hock in a deep tray with a lid and leave it in the oven at 170 degrees Celsius for 3 hours. I don’t add other spices, because I like its smoky and baked taste.
Roll the fresh sausages and pass a skewer stick through them. Place them in a tray with the smoked sausages and put them in the oven for 30 minutes at 170 degrees Celsius.
Meanwhile, prepare the cabbage. Finely chop the cabbage and knead it lightly with salt. In a saucepan pour oil and lightly sauté the finely chopped onion. Add cabbage, thyme and peppercorns and mix. From time to time we add a small cup of water. When the cabbage is almost ready, add the pepper paste and leave it on the fire for a few more minutes. While the sausages are in the oven, add the cabbage for 20 minutes so that it is nicely browned.
While the cabbage is cooking, wash the potatoes well with an abrasive sponge. Cut the potatoes into thick slices and leave them in cold water for 30 minutes. Then drain them well, dry them with a towel and add salt, oil and corn flour, mixing well. I prepared them at Actifry but they can also be baked at 170 degrees Celsius for 50 minutes.
Place the dishes on platters, gather the whole family around the table and we serve with appetite!
Perfect Romanian menu 🙂