

Tiramisu este un desert traditional italian, ce are la baza biscuiti savoiardi inmuiati in cafea și acoperiti cu o crema delicioasa de mascarpone, oua si zahar, aromata cu amaretto.


(pentru 8 portii / for 8 servings)

  • 400 grame piscoturi savoiardi / 400 grams savoiardi
  • 500 grame mascarpone / 500 grams mascarpone
  • 3 oua / 3 eggs
  • 6 linguri zahar / 6 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 lingura esenta vanilie / 1 tablespoon vanilla
  • 3 linguri lichior Amaretto / 3 tablespoons Amaretto
  • 1 praf de sare / a pinch of salt
  • 1 lingura cacao / 1 tablespoon cacao
  • 150 ml cafea / 150 ml coffee

Intr-un bol punem albusurile si adaugam un praf de sare. Batem albusurile spuma si adaugam, pe rand, 3 linguri de zahar. Intr-un alt bol punem galbenusurile cu restul de zahar si mixam bine pana cand obtinem o crema deschisa la culoare. Adaugam esenta de vanilie, 2 linguri Amaretto si branza mascarpone. Amestecam compozitia cu o lingura. Cand este omogena adaugam albusurile batute spuma si le incorporam usor.

Intr-in vas de sticla punem putina crema, apoi adaugam piscoturile inmuiate in cafeaua amestecata cu o lingura de Amaretto. Alternam straturile de crema si piscoturi, ultimul strat fiind crema. Lasam prajitura la rece timp de cateva ore. Inainte de servire o pudram cu un strat generos de cacao.

English version:

Tiramisu is a traditional Italian dessert, based on Savoyard biscuits soaked in coffee and covered with a delicious cream of mascarpone, eggs and sugar, flavored with amaretto.

In a bowl put the egg whites and add a pinch of salt. Beat the egg whites and add, 3 tablespoons of sugar (one by one). In another bowl put the yolks with the rest of the sugar and mix well until you get a light cream. Add vanilla essence, 2 tablespoons Amaretto and mascarpone cheese. Mix the composition with a spoon. When it is homogeneous, add the beaten egg whites and incorporate them easily.

In a glass bowl put a little cream, then add the biscuits soaked in coffee mixed with a tablespoon of Amaretto. Alternate the layers of cream and biscuits, the last layer being cream. Let the cake cool for a few hours. Before serving, powder it with a generous layer of cocoa.

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