… sau reteta copilariei. Foarte multe nu as putea sa spun deoarece sunt convinsa ca acest desert este pe placul tuturor.
(pentru 8 portii / for 8 servings)
- 300 grame biscuiti / 300 grams biscuits
- 250 grame rahat / 250 grams turkish delights
- 100 grame zahar / 100 grams sugar
- 125 ml lapte / 125 ml milk
- 100 grame unt / 100 grams butter
- 20 grame cacao / 20 grams cocoa
- 2 lingurite esenta de rom / 2 teaspoons rum flavour

Rupem jumatate din cantitatea de biscuiti in bucati mari, iar cealalta jumatate o maruntim cu ajutorul unui blender. Punem biscuitii intr-un bol si adaugam rahatul taiat cubelete, cacaoa si romul. Intr-un vas punem laptele, zaharul si untul si il punem pe foc pana cand untul este topit. Adaugam acest sirop peste biscuiti si amestecam bine.
Rasturnam amestecul pe o folie alimentara si rulam strans. Lasam la rece cel putin 12 ore si il servim feliat.
Tip: daca va este pe plac, adaugati nuci prajite si taiate, stafide sau alte fructe confiate.

English version:
Biscuits Cake
… or the recipe of childhood. I can’t say much because I’m convinced that everyone likes this dessert.
Cut half of the amount of biscuits into large pieces, and grind the other half with a blender. Put the biscuits in a bowl and add the diced turkish delight, cocoa and rum. In a bowl put the milk, sugar and butter and put it on the fire until the butter is melted. Add this syrup over the biscuits and mix well.
Pour the mixture on a foil and roll tightly. Let it cool for at least 12 hours and serve it sliced.
Tip: if you like, add roasted and chopped walnuts, raisins or other dried fruits.