Antipasto Platter


Aceasta reteta fara reteta este de fapt un ghid esential pentru a construi un Antipasto Platter la cote inalte si in acelasi timp cu un minim de efort. Avem nevoie de un platou mare pe care „inghesuim” mezeluri, branzeturi, legume, fructe si alte bunatati pe care le gasim cu siguranta in camara. Antipasto inseamna „inainte de masa” si este insotit de regula de un pahar de prosecco, insa face fata cu succes ca si cina atunci cand avem prietenii la masa.

Antipasto Platter


(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)

  • 50 grame prosciutto crudo / 50 grams prosciutto crudo
  • 50 grame salam italian / 50 grams italian salami
  • 50 grame carnaciori uscati / 50 grams dried sausages
  • 50 grame branza tare cu trufe / 50 grams hard cheese with truffle
  • 200 grame branza buratta / 200 grams buratta cheese
  • 200 grame rosii / 200 grams tomato
  • 200 grame mix de masline / 200 grams olives mix
  • 2 catei de usturoi / 2 garlic cloves
  • 1/2 lingurita oregano / 1/2 teaspoon oregano
  • 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 lingura salsa pentru bruschette / 1 tablespoons bruschetta salsa
  • Sare / Salt
Antipasto Platter

Taiem rosiile in cubulete mici, presaram sare si adaugam o lingura de ulei de masline, un catel de usturoi zdrobit si 1/4 lingurita oregano. Amestecam si lasam la rece.

Intr-un alt bol adaugam mixul de masline, oregano, un catel de usturoi zdrobit, o lingura de ulei de masline si 1/4 lingurita oregano. Amestecam bine si lasam la marinat minim 30 de minute.

Antipasto Platter

Pe un platou asezam in mijloc branza buratta, castronelele cu salata de rosii si masline marinate. Aranjam pe langa mixul de mezeluri si branza cu trufe.

Servim cu paine proaspata sau prajita alaturi de pasta pentru bruschette.

Antipasto Platter

Daca v-a placut Antipasto Platter, va invit sa incercati si:

Italian Charcuterie Board
Italian Lunch
Burrata cu carpaccio de smochine

English version

Antipasto Platter

This no-recipe recipe is actually an essential guide to build an Antipasto Platter at high altitudes and at the same time, with a minimum of effort. We need a large plate on which we add sausages, cheeses, vegetables, fruits and other goodies that we can certainly find in the pantry. Antipasto means „before the meal” and is usually accompanied by a glass of prosecco, but it successfully deal with dinner when we have friends over.

Cut the tomatoes into small cubes, sprinkle with salt and add 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 clove of crushed garlic and 1/4 teaspoon of oregano. Mix and leave to cool.

In another bowl, add the mix of olives, oregano, 1 clove of crushed garlic, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1/4 teaspoon of oregano. Mix well and leave to marinate for at least 30 minutes.

On a plate, place the buratta cheese, the tomato salad bowls and the marinated olives in the middle. We arrange next to the mix of sausages and cheese with truffles.

Serve with fresh or toasted bread alongside bruschetta pasta.

If you liked the Antipasto Platter, I invite you to try Italian Charcuterie Board, Italian Lunch or Burrata with Fig Carpaccio.

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