Italian Charcuterie Board, un platou spectaculos de mezeluri si branzeturi din Peninsula combinate cu dulceturi, fructe, nuci si covrigei italienesti. O asociere perfecta pentru o masa cu iz italian. De cate ori aveti invitati la masa sau organizati o petrecere puteti incepe cu un platou de aperitive italienesti. Asadar acesta este aperitivul perfect pentru a incepe distractia!
(pentru 6 portii / for 6 servings)
- 250 grame branza ricotta / 250 grams ricotta cheese
- 150 grame branza stracchino / 150 grams stracchini cheese
- 50 grame branza cu trufe / 50 grams truffle cheese
- 50 grame branza cu ardei / 50 grams pepper cheese
- 100 grame branza semimaturata / 100 grams soft-ripened cheese
- 50 grame parmezan / 50 grams parmesan
- 50 grame branza maturata cu carbune / 50 grams of charcoal-ripened cheese
- 100 grame ceafa de porc Cappocolo / 100 grams Cappocolo pork ham
- 100 grame salam italian picant / 100 grams spicy italian salami
- Fructe: capsune, struguri albi, struguri negri, mure, zmeura, afine, smochine, caise confiate / Fruits: strawberries, white grapes, black grapes, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, figs, candied apricots
- Dulceata de smochine, gutui si ardei iute / Jam of figs, quinces and hot peppers
- Nuci, migdale, alune de padure, covrigei italienesti, paine prajita / Nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, Italian pretzels, toast
Pentru un gust desavarsit va recomand sa alegeti ingrediente de calitate. Eu am ales branzeturile de la producatori locali si nu am dat gres.
Pe un platou mare aranjam branzeturile, mezelurile si cele 3 boluri mici cu dulceata de smochine, de gutui si de ardei iute.
Umplem golurile ramase cu fructe proaspete si uscate, nuci, alune si migdale.
Cantitatile de fructe, nuci si covrigei italienesti difera in functie de preferintele fiecaruia.
Adaugam pe platou felii de paine prajita si covrigei italienesti.
Iar pentru un plus de savoare adaugam si celebra tarta cu feta si smochine, a carei reteta o gasiti aici.
Servim platoul de branzeturi si mezeluri alaturi de un pahar de vin alb sau prosecco.
Daca v-a placut Italian Charcuterie Board, va recomand sa revedeti secretele unui Platou Instagramabil, sa va inspirati dintr-o colectie de 23 de Platouri de aperitive sau sa pregatiti un Antipasti Festivi.
English version
Italian Charcuterie Board
Italian Charcuterie Board, a spectacular platter of Italian charcuterie and cheeses combined with jams, fruits and nuts. A perfect combination for an Italian-style meal. Whenever you have guests at the table or organize a party, you can start with a plate of Italian appetizers. So this is the perfect appetizer to start the fun!
For a perfect taste, I recommend you to choose quality ingredients. I chose the cheeses from local producers and it was just perfect.
On a large board arrange the cheeses, cold meats and the 3 small bowls with fig jam, quince jam and hot pepper jam.
Fill the remaining gaps with fresh and dried fruits, nuts, hazelnuts and almonds.
The amounts of fruit, nuts and pretzels depends on everyone’s preferences.
Add slices of toast bread and Italian pretzels to the plate.
And for extra flavor, add the famous tart with feta and figs, the recipe of which you can find here.
Serve the platter of cheeses and charcuterie with a glass of white wine or prosecco.
If you liked the Italian Charcuterie Board, I recommend you to see the secrets of an Instagrammable Board, to be inspired by a collection of 23 Appetizer Plates or to prepare a Festive Antipasti Board.
- Pappardelle al ragu
- La bottega della Gina XXL sau paste la superlativ
- Galuste cu prune la tava
- Agriturismo Ai Dossi – de la productie agricola la agroturism
- Tapassio – Pasiune pentru tapasuri mediteraneene si unguresti
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