Vara! In sfarsit ne bucuram de gustul rosiilor de gradina. Astazi incercam un Italian Lunch cu o super Panzanella si o spuma delicioasa de ricotta. Rosii zemoase, crutoane, mozzarella proaspata, ricotta dulce si busuioc pentru un pranz de weekend.
(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
Pentru Panzanella cu mozzarella / For Panzanella with mozzarella
- 6 rosii mari / 6 big tomatoes
- 4 bucati ceapa rosie / 4 red onions
- 10 frunze busuioc verde / 10 basil leaves
- 150 grame crutoane paine / 150 grams bread croutons
- 50 ml ulei de masline / 50 ml olive oil
- 200 grame mozzarella / 200 grams mozzarella
- Sare / Salt
- 1/4 lingurita oregano / 1/4 teaspoon oregano
Pentru spuma de riccotta / For whipped ricotta
- 100 grame ricotta / 100 grams ricotta
- 2 linguri parmezan / 2 tablespoons parmesan
- 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 1/4 lingurita cimbru / 1/4 teaspoon thyme
- Sare / Salt
- 6 rosii cherry / 6 cherry tomatoes
- 2 catei de usturoi / 2 garlic cloves
- 1/4 lingurita oregano / 1/4 teaspoon oregano
- 1/4 lingurita chilli / 1/4 teaspoon chilli
Pentru salata Panzanella, metoda de prepare este extrem de simpla. Taiem ceapa rondele, rosiile in cuburi mari si maruntim fin busuiocul. Amestecam legumele intr-un bol, adaugam crutoanele, sarea si uleiul de masline.
Lasam salata la rece timp de 30 de minute. Inainte de servire, adaugam mozzarella, stropim cu ulei de masline si presaram cu oregano.
Pentru spuma de ricotta, mixam branza cu parmezan, 1 lingura ulei de masline, cimbru si sare. Lasam crema la rece timp de 1 ora inainte de servire.
Intr-o tigaie mica, incalzim o lingura de ulei de masline si calim usor usturoiul zdrobit. Adaugam rosiile cherry taiate in jumatati, sare, oregano si chilli si calim la foc mare timp de 3-4 minute, amestecand cu grija sa nu zdrobim rosiile.
Servim spuma de ricotta cu topping de rosii alaturi de salata Panzanella si un platou de mezeluri italiene si masline marinate.
Daca v-a placut reteta acestui Italian Lunch, va invit sa incercati si vinete Panzanella, un Antipasti Festivi sau un platou genial de aperitive.
English version
Italian Lunch
Summer! Finally we enjoy the taste of garden tomatoes. Today we are trying an Italian Lunch with a super Panzanella and a delicious whipped ricotta. Juicy tomatoes, bread croutons, fresh mozzarella, sweet ricotta and basil for a weekend lunch.
For the Panzanella salad, the preparation method is extremely simple. Slice the onion, cut the tomatoes into large cubes and finely chop the basil. Mix the vegetables in a bowl, add the croutons, salt and olive oil.
Let the salad cool for 30 minutes. Before serving, add mozzarella, sprinkle with olive oil and oregano.
For the whipped ricotta, mix ricotta with parmesan, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, thyme and salt. Let the cream cool for 1 hour before serving.
In a small pan, heat a spoonful of olive oil and gently saute the crushed garlic. Add the cherry tomatoes cut in half, salt, oregano and chilli and cook over high heat for 3-4 minutes, stirring carefully so as not to crush the tomatoes.
Serve the whipped ricotta with tomato topping alongside the Panzanella salad and a platter of marinated cold cuts and olives.
If you liked the recipe of this Italian Lunch, I invite you to also try Eggplant Panzanella, a Festive Antipasti or a brilliant appetizer platter.
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