Arnavut Ciğeri – ficat turcesc


Arnavut Ciğeri reprezinta modalitatea de a va bucura de un ficat de vitel in stil turcesc. Traditional, el este servit cu felii de ceapa si cartofi prajiti cubulete.

Eu am ales sa il servesc cu cartofi “prajiti” in celebrul Actifry Tefal si fasole verde cu usturoi.


(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)

  • 600 grame ficat de vitel / 600 grams calf liver
  • 2 linguri faina / 2 tablespoon flour
  • Fulgi de chilli / Chill flakes
  • Piper / Pepper
  • Sare / Salt
  • Ulei / Oil

Taiem ficatul in cubulete mici si il tinem in apa rece timp de 15 minute. Scurgem foarte bine si cu ajutorul unui servetel de hartie absorbim toata apa.

Punem cubuletele de ficat intr-un bol. Adaugam cele 2 linguri de faina, piperul si fulgii de chilli (sarea se adauga dupa prepararea termica a ficatului). Amestecam pana cand cubuletele sunt acoperite cu faina si condimente. Rasturnam intr-o sita fina si inlaturam excesul de faina.

Incingem uleiul intr-un wok si prajim la foc rapid ficatul pe ambele parti. Din pacate, la aceasta reteta, nu putem evita baia de ulei.

Scoatem ficatul pe cateva servetele pentru a inlatura excesul de ulei.

Presaram sare si il servim cu fasole verde si cartofi.

English version:

Arnavut Ciğeri is the way to enjoy a Turkish-style calf liver. Traditionally it is served with onion slices and diced french fries.

I chose to serve it with „fried” potatoes in the famous Actifry Tefal and green beans with garlic.

Cut the liver into small cubes and keep it in cold water for 15 minutes. Drain very well and with the a paper napkin we absorb all the water.

Put the liver cubes in a bowl. Add the 2 tablespoons of flour, pepper and chilli flakes (salt is added after thermal preparation of the liver). Stir until the cubes are covered with flour and spices. Stir in a fine sieve and remove the excess flour.

Heat the oil in a wok and quickly fry the liver on both sides. Unfortunately, in this recipe we cannot avoid the oil bath.

Remove the liver on a few napkins to remove excess oil.

Sprinkle with salt and serve with green beans and potatoes.


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