Alaturi de salata de ciuperci si cea de fasole verde, salata de conopida reprezinta un aperitiv delicios putand fi servita atat la mesele festive cat si la o masa zilnica acompaniata de o felie de paine integrala si cateva rosii.
Asa cum v-am obisnuit, eu prefer variantele de gatit mai dietetice. Asadar nu o sa va prezint celebra reteta de salata cu maioneza. Insa va asigur ca textura si gustul nu va vor dezamagi.
- 300 grame conopida / 300 grams cauliflower
- 2 linguri crema de branza natur sau labneh / 2 tablespoon cream cheese or labneh
- 1 lingura smantana / 1 tablespoon sour cream
- 1/2 lingura mustar / 1/2 tablespoon mustard
- 1 lingura ulei de masline / 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 2 catei de usturoi / 2 garlic cloves
- Sare / Salt
- Cateva picaturi de suc de lamaie / A few drops of lemon juice
Pentru inceput fierbem conopida. Eu am preparat-o cu ajutorul unui aparat la aburi timp de 20 de minute. O lasam la racit si apoi o maruntim cu ajutorul unui cutit.
Intr-un bol amestecam crema de branza, smantana, mustarul si sarea cu ajutorul unui mixer. Adaugam si uleiul de masline si sucul de lamaie si continuam sa mixam pana obtinem o crema asemanatoare la consistenta cu maioneza.
Adaugam usturoiul pisat, conopida si potrivim de sare.
Eu am servit cu salata de rosii simple sau salata de rosii cu branza.
Va recomand sa incercati acest sos dietetic si cu alte legume: ciuperci, fasole verde, broccoli.
English version:
Among with the mushrooms salad and the green bean salad, cauliflower salad is a delicious appetizer and can be served both at festive meals and at a daily lunch accompanied by a slice of wholemeal bread and some tomatoes.
As usual, I prefer the more dietary cooking options. So I will not present you the famous salad recipe with mayonnaise. But I assure you that the texture and taste will not disappoint you.
For starters, boil the cauliflower. I cooked it with a steamer for 20 minutes. Leave it to cool and then grind it with a knife.
In a bowl, mix the cream cheese, sour cream, mustard and salt by a mixer. Add the olive oil and lemon juice and continue to mix until you get a cream similar to mayonnaise.
Add the crushed garlic, cauliflower and season with salt.
I served it with simple tomato salad or tomato salad with cheese.
I recommend you try this diet sauce with other vegetables: mushrooms, green beans, broccoli.