Bagels cu nuca


Un desert potrivit atat unei zile de post cat si pentru un mic dejun delicios. Covrigii cu coaja usor crocanta sunt insiropati intr-un sos cu arome de portocala, apoi sunt glazurati cu un strat generos de miere si tavaliti prin multa nuca.


(pentru 12 bucati / for 12 servings)

  • 500 grame faina / 500 grams flour
  • 275 ml apa calda / 275 ml warm water
  • 7 grame drojdie uscata / 7 grams dried yeast
  • 50 grame zahar / 50 grams sugar
  • 1 lingurita sare / 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 lingura ulei de masline / 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 albus de ou / 1 egg white
  • 150 grame nuca / 150 grams walnut
  • 200 grame zahar / 200 grams sugar
  • 3 bucati coaja de portocala confiata / 3 pieces candied orange peel
  • 8 linguri miere / 8 tablespoons honey

Intr-un bol, punem faina, drojdia uscata, zaharul si apa calda. Mixam pana sunt incorporate toate ingredientele si adaugam sarea si uleiul. Framantam pana obtinem un aluat elastic. Il lasam la dospit intr-un vas acoperit, timp de 2 ore.

Dupa ce aluatul este dospit, il impartim in 12 parti egale, pe care le modelam sub forma de sfera si le aplatizam usor cu palma. Cu ajutorul unui decupator rotund scoatem mijlocul aluatului. Lasam la dospit o ora.

Punem pe foc o oala cu 1 litru de apa, 200 grame zahar, coaja de portocala si un varf de lingurita de sare. In momentul in care fierbe, plonjam fiecare bagels in sirop timp de cate un minut pe fiecare parte. Ii scoatem cu o paleta si ii punem in tava de copt. Ii ungem cu albus de ou batut usor si ii coacem la 200 grade Celsius timp de 20 de minute.

Intre timp continuam sa fierbem apa din care am scos covrigii pana cand obtinem un sirop legat.

Cand covrigii sunt copti ii trecem prin siropul aromat si ii punem pe un gratar. Ii ungem cu miere din abundenta si ii presaram cu nuca pe ambele parti.

Walnut bagels

A dessert suitable both for a meatless day and for a delicious breakfast. The pretzels with a slightly crunchy crust are syruped in a sauce with orange flavors, then are glazed with a generous layer of honey and rolled in a lot of walnuts.

In a bowl, put flour, dry yeast, sugar and warm water. Mix until all the ingredients are incorporated and add salt and oil. Knead until you get an elastic dough. Leave it to rise in a covered pot for 2 hours.

After the dough is ready, divide it into 12 equal parts, which you shape into a sphere and flatten them lightly with your palm. Using a round cutter, remove the middle of the dough. Leave to rise for an hour.

Boil a pot with 1 liter of water, 200 grams of sugar, candied orange and a pinch of salt. When it boils, dip each bagel in syrup for one minute on each side. Take them out with a spatula and put them in the baking tray. Grease them with lightly beaten egg whites and bake at 200 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, continue to boil the water from which we removed the bagels until we get in the bound syrup.

When the bagels are baked, pass them through the aromatic syrup and put them on a grill. Grease them with plenty of honey and sprinkle them with walnuts on both sides.


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