O reteta extrem de simplu de realizat si foarte versatila. Eu am ales sa o fac cu macrou afumat, insa puteti inlocui cu pastrav sau scrumbie afumata si chiar cu ton din conserva. Indiferent ce varianta veti alege, va veti bucura de un mic dejun sau un aperitiv rapid si gustos.
(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 100 grame crema de branza / 100 grams cream cheese
- 150 grame macrou afumat / 150 grams smoked mackerel
- 2 bucati ansoa / 2 anchovies
- 1 lingurita mustar / 1 teaspoon mustard
- 1 lingurita capere / 1 teaspoon capers
- 1/2 ceapa rosie / 1/2 red onion
- 2 linguri suc de lamaie / 2 tablespoons lemon juice
Punem intr-un bol crema de branza si macroul curatat de oase si piele. Mixam usor cu blenderul si adaugam mustarul, caperele si cele 2 bucati de ansoa. Continuam sa mixam pana obtinem o crema. Adaugam la sfarsit sucul de lamaie si ceapa rosie taiata marunt.
Servim cu paine proaspata, masline si capere.
English version
Smoked mackerel cream
An extremely simple recipe to make and very versatile. I chose to make it with smoked mackerel, but you can replace it with smoked trout or mackerel and even canned tuna. No matter which option you choose, you will enjoy a quick and tasty breakfast or appetizer.
Put in a bowl the cream cheese and the mackerel boneless and skinless. Mix lightly with the blender and add the mustard, capers and the 2 pieces of anchovies. We continue to mix until we get a cream. Finally add the lemon juice and finely chopped red onion.
Serve with fresh bread, olives and capers.