… si o noua achizitie. Cochetam de multa vreme cu ideea a achizitiona o tava “profi” pentru copt painea. Din diversele variante, am ales tava pentru copt baghete, iar alegerea se pare ca a fost una foarte buna.
Am inaugurat tava cu o reteta de baghete integrale.
(pentru 3 baghete / for 3 pieces)
- 500 grame faina integrala / 500 grams wholemeal flour
- 300 ml apa calduta / 300 ml warm water
- 7 grame drojdie uscata / 7 grams dried yeast
- 1 lingurita miere / 1 teaspoon honey
- 1 lingurita sare / 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 lingura ulei de masline / 1 tablespoon olive oil
Intr-un bol punem faina, drojdia, mierea si apa si amestecam. Adaugam sarea si uleiul de masline si continuam sa framantam pana cand obtinem un aluat elastic. Lasam aluatul la dospit timp de 2 ore, apoi il rasturnam pe un blat presarat cu faina. Il impartim in 3 parti egale. Aplatizam fiecare bucata si ii dam o forma de dreptunghi. Rulam fiecare dreptunghi, sigiland capatul sub fiecare bagheta.
Ungem forma cu foarte putin ulei de masline si o presaram cu faina. Asezam fiecare bagheta in tava, acoperim cu capacul si lasam la dospit o ora.
Dupa dospire, crestam baghetele cu ajutorul unui cutit foarte bine ascutit. Acoperim cu capacul si coacem timp de 30 de minute la 220 grade Celsius.
In cazul in care nu dispuneti de o tava speciala, baghetele pot fi coapte intr-o tava normala, insa vom introduce in cuptor un vas mic cu apa.
English version:
Wholemeal baguettes
… and a new acquisition. I have been flirting for a long time with the idea of buying a „professional” tray for baking bread. From the various variants, I chose a baguettes baking tray, and the choice seems to have been a very good one.
I inaugurated the tray with a recipe for wholemeal baguettes.
In a bowl put flour, yeast, honey and water, then mix. Add salt and olive oil and continue to knead until you get an elastic dough. Leave the dough to rise for 2 hours, then pour it on a table sprinkled with flour. Divide it into 3 equal parts. Flatten each piece and give it a rectangular shape. Rolled each rectangle, sealing the end under each baguette.
Grease the form with a little quality of olive oil and sprinkle with flour. Place each baguette in the pan, cover with a lid and leave to rise for an hour.
After one hour, cut the baguettes with a very sharp knife. Cover with a lid and bake for 30 minutes at 220 degrees Celsius.
If you do not have a special tray, the bagiettes can be baked in a normal tray, but you should put a small bowl of water in the oven.
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