Briosele sarate cu legume reprezinta o cina sau, de ce nu, un mic dejun rapid si consistent.
Varianta pe care o prezint este o alternativa “low-carb”, pe care putem sa o personalizam dupa plac. La categoria legume alegeti conopida, ciuperci, broccoli, iar la categoria branzeturi orice tip de branza tare: mozzarella uscata, cascaval sau chiar o telemea tare.
- 200 grame broccoli fiert la abur / 200 grams broccoli steamed
- 2 oua / 2 eggs
- 2 linguri crema de branza / 2 tablespoon cream cheese
- 100 grame cheddar sau alta branza cu textura tare / 100 grams cheddar or a similar cheese
- Sare / Salt
- Praf de usturoi / Garlic powder
Intr-un bol amestecam ouale, crema de branza, broccoli taiat marunt, praful de usturoi, sarea si cascavalul ras. Din cascavalul ras, pastram 3 linguri. Impartim compozitia in forme de briose de silicon sau forme speciale din hartie. Presaram restul de branza si coacem timp de 20 de minute in cuptorul incins in prealabil la 170 grade Celsius.
Servim cu salata de rosii.
English version:
Salty muffins with vegetables are a dinner or, why not, a quick breakfast.
The variant I present is a „low-carb” alternative, which can be customize according to our taste. In the vegetable category, choose cauliflower, mushrooms, broccoli, and in the cheese category any type of hard cheese: dried mozzarella, cheese or even a hard cottage cheese.
In a bowl mix eggs, cream cheese, finely chopped broccoli, garlic powder, salt and grated cheese. From the grated cheese, keep 3 tablespoons. Divide the composition into shapes of silicone muffins or special paper shapes. Sprinkle the rest of the cheese and bake for 20 minutes in the preheated oven at 170 degrees Celsius.
Serve with tomato salad.
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