Budinca de chia cu zmeura, rodie si fistic


Budinca de chia cu zmeura, rodie si fistic: un deliciu sanatos si colorat! Cand vine vorba de deserturi sanatoase si pline de nutrienti, budinca de chia este o alegere excelenta. Aceasta reteta combina gustul dulce-acrisor al zmeurei si rodiei cu aroma bogata a fisticului, creand un desert nu doar delicios, dar si atractiv din punct de vedere vizual.
Aceasta budinca de chia nu este doar un rasfat pentru papilele gustative, dar si un boost de energie si vitamine. Este perfecta pentru un mic dejun rapid sau ca desert dupa o masa principala. In plus, este o optiune minunata pentru cei care cauta alternative sanatoase la deserturile traditionale.

Budinca de chia cu zmeura, rodie si fistic

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 2 portii)

  • 250 grame zmeura
  • 1 rodie
  • 50 grame chia
  • 275 ml lapte de fistic
  • 2 linguri sitop de artar sau agave
  • 1 praf de sare
Budinca de chia cu zmeura, rodie si fistic

Intr-un blender punem jumatate din cantitatea de zmeura si jumatate din cea de rodie. Adaugam o lingura de sirop de artar sau agave si mixam. Impartim amestecul obtinut in 2 pahare inalte pe care le acoperim si le dam la rece.

Budinca de chia cu zmeura, rodie si fistic

Fara a spala blenderul, adaugati semintele de chia, laptele de fistic, un praf de sare si o lingura de sirop. Mixati bine si transferati compozitia intr-un borcan, lasand-o la frigider pentru cateva ore, ideal peste noapte.

A doua zi, pasati jumatate din cantitatea ramasa de rodie si amestecati-o cu budinca de chia si semintele intregi de rodie ramase.

Budinca de chia cu zmeura, rodie si fistic

Turnati amestecul de chia in pahare, peste sosul de fructe pregatit anterior.

Decorati cu restul de zmeura si frunze de menta proaspata si serviti cu multa pofta.

Budinca de chia cu zmeura, rodie si fistic

Detaliile video ale retetei:

Daca v-a placut reteta de Budinca de chia cu zmeura, rodie si fistic, va invit sa incercati si:

Budinca de chia
Triple chia pudding
Coconut Chocolate Chia Pudding

English version

Chia Pudding with Raspberry, Pomegranate and Pistachio

Chia pudding with raspberry, pomegranate and pistachio: A healthy and colorful treat! When it comes to healthy and nutritious desserts, chia pudding is an excellent choice. This recipe combines the sweet-sour taste of raspberry and pomegranate with the rich aroma of pistachio, creating a dessert that is not only delicious, but also visually attractive.
This chia pudding is not only a treat for the taste buds, but also a boost of energy and vitamins. It is perfect for a quick breakfast or as a dessert after a main meal. In addition, it is a wonderful option for those looking for healthy alternatives to traditional desserts.

INGREDIENTS (for 2 servings)

  • 250 grams raspberries
  • 1 pomegranate
  • 50 grams chia
  • 275 ml pistachio milk
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup or agave
  • 1 pinch of salt

In a blender, put half of the raspberry and half of the pomegranate. Add a spoonful of maple or agave syrup and mix. Divide the obtained mixture into 2 tall glasses, cover and refrigerate.

Without washing the blender, add the chia seeds, pistachio milk, a pinch of salt and a spoonful of syrup. Mix well and transfer the composition to a jar, leaving it in the refrigerator for a few hours, ideally overnight.

The next day, mash half of the remaining amount of pomegranate and mix it with the chia pudding and the remaining whole pomegranate seeds.

Pour the chia mixture into glasses, over the previously prepared fruit sauce.

Decorate with the rest of the raspberries and fresh mint leaves and serve with relish.

If you liked the recipe for chia pudding with raspberry, pomegranate and pistachio, I invite you to try a Chia Pudding, a Triple chia pudding or a Coconut Chocolate Chia Pudding.


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