Pentru ca tot suntem in perioada postului, va propun un mic dejun de exceptie. Un duet vegan de ciocolata cu budinca de chia si vanilie pentru un plus de energie de la prima ora a diminetii. O puteti decora cu ciocolata vegana cu alune sau cu fructe de padure, dupa preferinte.

(pentru 3 portii / for 3 servings)
Pentru budinca de ciocolata
- 250 ml lapte de cocos / 250 ml coconut milk
- 125 ml lapte de migdale / 125 ml almond milk
- 2 lingurite indulcitor pe baza de stevie / 2 teaspoons sweetener stevia based
- 2 lingurite cacao / 2 teaspoons cocoa
- 2 lingurite amidon / 2 teaspoons corn starch
- 1 lingurita esenta de vanilie / 1 teaspoon vanilla flavour
- 1 praf de sare / 1 pinch of salt
Pentru budinca de vanilie
- 200 ml lapte de migdale / 200 ml almond milk
- 50 ml lapte de cocos / 50 ml coconut milk
- 1 lingurita indulcitor pe baza de stevie / 1 teaspoon sweetener stevia based
- 4 linguri seminte de chia / 4 tablespoons chia seeds
- 1 lingurita esenta de vanilie / 1 teaspoon vanilla flavour
- 1 praf de sare / 1 pinch of salt

Pentru budinca de ciocolata amestecam toate ingredientele in bolul mixerului si mixam pana cand obtinem o crema fina. Mutam amestecul intr-o craticioara si il fierbem timp de 3-4 minute pana cand amestecul se ingroasa. Il varsam in pahare inclinate si lasam la racit.
Intre timp pregatim budinca de chia, amestecand cu ajutorul unui tel toate ingredientele. Amestecam din cand in cand budinca si apoi lasam la rece timp de 4 ore.
Adaugam budinca de chia peste stratul de ciocolata si servim rece. O putem decora cu ciocolata cu alune sau fructe de padure.

English version
A duet of vegan chocolate pudding with chia and vanilla pudding for extra energy from the first hour of the morning. You can decorate it with vegan chocolate with hazelnuts or berries, according to your preferences.
For the chocolate pudding, mix all the ingredients in the bowl of the mixer and mix until you get a fine cream. Move the mixture in a saucepan and boil it for 3-4 minutes until the cream become thickens. Pour it into a glasses and leave to cool.
Meanwhile, prepare the chia pudding, mixing all the ingredients with a fork. Stir the pudding from time to time and then leave it to cool for 4 hours.
Add the chia pudding over the chocolate pudding and serve cold with the hazelnut or berry chocolate.
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