Bulz cu branza & Mix de coaste si carnati afumati la garnita


Nimic complicat, nimic nou, dar daca #alegemlocal vom avea un pranz extraordinar de gustos. Secretul retetelor traditionale consta in alegerea ingredientelor de calitate, produse local. O branza produsa local sau o bucata de carne de la macelaria din colt in loc de supermarket vor face diferenta la gustul din farfurie.

Am ales si de aceasta data, lactatele de la Laptareasa din Tohan: cascaval, urda dulce pe care am framantat-o cu sare, unt si smantana.


(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)

  • 1 cana malai / 1 cup corn flour
  • 4 cani de apa / 4 cups water
  • 1 lingurita sare / 1 teaspoon salt
  • 250 grame urda sarata / 250 grams salty cottage cheese
  • 200 grame cascaval / 200 grams hard cheese
  • 50 grame unt / 50 grams butter
  • 4 oua / 4 eggs
  • coaste si carnati la garnita / ribs and sausages cooked in lard
  • Smantana pentru servire / Sour cream for serving
  • Muraturi asortate / Mix pickles

Pentru pregatirea carnii la garnita gasiti reteta aici cu recomandarea de a o pregati cu minim o zi inainte. Pregatiti carnea in varianta “slow cook” iar spre final adaugati carnatii afumati. Eu am ales carnati afumati pregatiti de catre parintii mei.

Pentru mamaliga punem apa la fiert cu sare. Cand fierbe adaugam malaiul si fierbem timp de 30 de minute. Ungem o tava cu 20 de grame de unt, adaugam jumatate din cantitatea de mamaliga, cascavalul taiat cubulete si presaram urda sarata. Acoperim cu restul de mamaliga si formam mici adancituri cu o lingura. Asezam din loc in locul restul de unt taiat feliute si introducem in cuptorul incins la 180 grade timp de 30 de minute pana cand bulzul este frumos rumenit.

Servim bulzul fierbinte cu oua ochiuri, coaste si carnati la garnita, smantana sau o salata de muraturi asortate (gogosari, castraveti, varza murata).

English version

Cheese polenta with ribs and smoked sausages

Nothing complicated, nothing new, but if we #chooselocal we will have the best tasty lunch. The secret of traditional recipes is to choose quality ingredients, produced locally. A locally produced cheese or a piece of meat from the butcher in the corner instead of the supermarket will make a difference to the taste of the plate.

This time, too, I chose the dairy products from Laptareasa from Tohan: cheese, sweet cottage cheese, which I kneaded with salt, butter and sour cream.

For the preparation of the meat in lard, you can find the recipe here with the recommendation to prepare it at least one day in advance. Prepare the meat in the „slow cook” version and at the end add the smoked sausages. I chose smoked sausages prepared by my parents.

For the polenta, boil water with salt. When it boils, add the corn flour and cook for 30 minutes. Grease a pan with 20 grams of butter, add half the amount of polenta, diced hard cheese and sprinkle with salted cotttage cheese. Cover with the rest of the polenta. Place sliced butter on top from place to place and cook in the oven heated to 180 degrees for 30 minutes until the cheesy polenta is nicely browned.

Serve the hot cheese polenta with fried eggs, ribs and sausages in lard, sour cream or a salad of assorted pickles (res peppers, cucumbers, sauerkraut).


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