Combinatia inedita dintre un crap novac de Dunare si un sos mediteranean de fructe de mare, capere, usturoi si prosecco reprezinta, cu siguranta, una dintre cele mai bune alegeri pentru o masa de pranz sau o cina. Ca si garnitura acompaniem cu un orez basmati simplu si o salata verde.

(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 400 grame crap novac / 400 grams carp
- 200 grame creveti / 200 grams shrimps
- 200 grame baby sepie / 200 grams baby squid
- Ulei de masline / Olive oil
- Fulgi de chilli / Chilli flakes
- 6 catei de usturoi / 6 garlic cloves
- 10 rosii cherry / 10 cherry tomatoes
- 4 capere mari / 4 big cappers
- 1 ardei iute / 1 hot pepper
- 2 linguri patrunjel verde / 2 tablespoons parsley
- 50 grame unt / 50 grams butter
- 50 ml prosecco / 50 ml prosecco
- Felii de lamaie / Lemon slices
- 1 cana orez basmati / 1 cup basmati rice
- 2 cani de apa / 2 cups water
- Mix de salata verde / Mix green salad
- Sare / Salt

Pentru pregatire, taiem feliile de novac si le presaram cu sare. Ungem feliile de crap cu putin ulei de masline si le pregatim timp de 20 de minute in Actifry Tefal. Daca nu detinem un Actifry, le putem pregati in cuptor sau direct pe aragaz intr-o tigaie cu putin ulei de masline.
Intre timp pregatim sosul de fructe de mare. Incingem intr-o tigaie 2 linguri de ulei de masline si adaugam usturoiul zdrobit cu lama unui cutit. Calim putin, apoi adaugam baby sepia. Dupa 3 – 4 minute adaugam untul, rosiile cherry taiate in jumatati, caperele intregi si ardeiul iute feliat subtire (alegeti un ardei care sa nu fie foarte picant sau puneti doar jumatate daca nu sunteti fan “hot”). Lasam pe foc 2 minute si adaugam prosecco. Dupa alte 2-3 minute, cand sosul scade usor, adaugam crevetii si mai lasam 3 minute, amestecand constant. Dam deoparte si adaugam patrunjelul.

Pentru garnitura punem la fiert intr-o cratita 2 cani de apa, putina sare si orezul basmati, fierbem sub capac timp de 10 minute, amestecand ocazional.
Cand novacul eate gata, il scoatem intr-o tigaie si il acoperim cu sosul de fructe de mare. Servim cu orez basmati, felii de lamaie si salata verde.

English version
Carp with squid and shrimps sauce hot pan
The unique combination of a carp from the Danube and a Mediterranean sauce of seafood, capers, garlic and prosecco is certainly one of the best choices for a lunch or dinner. As a garnish we accompany a simple basmati rice and a green salad.
For preparation, cut the slices of carp and sprinkle with salt. Grease the carp slices with a small quantity of olive oil and cook for 20 minutes in Actifry Tefal. If you do not have an Actifry, you can prepare them in the oven or directly on the stove in a pan with olive oil.
Meanwhile, prepare the seafood sauce. Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a pan and add the crushed garlic with a knife blade. Heat a little bit, then add baby squid. After 3-4 minutes add the butter, the cherry tomatoes cut in half, the whole capers and the thinly sliced hot pepper (choose a pepper that is not very spicy or put only half if you are not a „hot” fan). Let it cook for 2 minutes and add prosecco. After another 2-3 minutes, when the sauce drops slightly, add the shrimp and leave for another 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Set aside and add the parsley.
For the rice, boil 2 cups of water in a saucepan, a little salt and basmati rice, boil under the lid for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
When the novac is ready, take it out in a pan and cover it with the seafood sauce. Serve with basmati rice, lemon slices and lettuce.
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