De ceva vreme sunt in cautarea chiflelor de burger perfecte … pufoase, cu o coaja subtire si moale. Dupa multe incercari, am descoperit varianta ideala.
- 500 grame faina 000 / 500 grams white flour 000 type
- 240 ml apa calda / 240 ml warm water
- 7 grame drojdie uscata / 7 grams dried yeast
- 25 grame zahar / 25 grams sugar
- 12 grame sare / 12 grams salt
- 50 grame lapte praf / 50 grams powederd milk
- 3 oua / 3 eggs
- 85 grame unt / 85 grams butter
- Seminte / Seeds
Intr-un bol amestecam apa calda (nu fierbinte), zaharul si drojdia. Lasam 10 minute sa se activeze drojdia si adaugam laptele praf, sarea si 2 oua. Amestecam, apoi adaugam faina si continuam sa mixam. Apoi adaugam untul la temperatura camerei. Framantam cu ajutorul unui prieten de nadejde timp de 10 minute.
Mutam aluatul intr-un bol uns cu putin ulei de masline. Lasam la dospit timp de 2 ore, apoi rasturnam aluatul pe blatul de lucru usor uns cu ulei. Intindem aluatul cu mainile sub forma de dreptunghi, apoi il impaturim in 3 pe lungime si inca o data in 3 pe latime. Il mai lasam la odihnit timp de 10 minute. Intindem din nou aluatul sub forma de dreptunghi si rulam strans pe latura lunga. Taiem aluatul in bucati de aproximativ 80 de grame pe care pe modelam sub forma de chifla. Le asezam intr-o tava cu pastrarea “distantei sociale” intre ele (🤣) deoarece vor mai creste. Le lasam la dospit in tava acoperita cu un prosop timp de o ora. Le ungem cu un ou batut si le presaram cu seminte dupa plac. Se coc 20 de minute la 170 grade Celsius.
English version:
Burger Buns
I’ve been looking for the perfect burger buns for a while … fluffy, with a thin and soft shell. After many attempts, I discovered the ideal option.
In a bowl mix warm water (not hot), sugar and yeast. Let the yeast activate for 10 minutes and add the powdered milk, salt and 2 eggs. Mix, then add flour and continue to mix. Then add the butter at room temperature. Knead with the help of a reliable friend for 10 minutes.
Move the dough in a bowl greased with olive oil. Leave to rise for 2 hours, then pour the dough on the work surface lightly greased with oil. Spread the dough with your hands in the shape of a rectangle, then fold it into 3 widths and again into 3 widths. Let it rest for another 10 minutes. Roll out the dough into a rectangle again and roll tightly on the long side. Cut the dough into pieces of about 80 grams, which shape into a bun. Place them in a tray keeping the „social distance” between them (🤣) because they will grow. Leave them to rise in the tray covered with a towel for an hour. Swallow them with a beaten egg and sprinkle them with seeds as we like. Bake for 20 minutes at 170 degrees Celsius.
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