Ce faci cand primesti multi ardei si gogosari proaspat culesi din gradina? Multumesti din suflet si te apuci de treaba. Oare cu ce arome ai putea sa ii pui in valoare?
De aceasta data incercam o combinatie orientala: chutney de ardei copti dulce – picanta cu aroma subtila de scortisoara.
- 12 ardei kapia si gogosari / 12 red peppers
- 3 ardei iuti / 3 hot peppers
- 1 baton de scortisoara / 1 cinammon stick
- 1 lingurita oregano / 1 teaspoon oregano
- 2 foi dafin / 2 dafin leaves
- 2 cepe rosii mari / 2 red onions
- 200 grame zahar brun / 200 grams brown sugar
- 100 ml otet balsamic / 100 ml balsamic vinegar
- 1 lingura sare / 1 tablespoon salt
- Piper / Pepper
- 3 linguri ulei masline / 3 tablespoons olive oil
Spalam ardeii si ii asezam intr-o tava cu hartie de copt. Ii coacem la 180 grade timp de o ora intorcandu-i din cand in cand pe toate partile. Dupa ce sunt copti, ii scoatem intr-un bol, ii presaram cu sare mare si ii acoperim cu un capac.
Cand sunt aproape reci ii curatam avand grija sa pastram zeama ardeilor. Curatam ardeii de seminte si ii trecem prin masina de tocat.
Separat taiem ceapa marunt si o calim in ulei de masline. Adaugam zeama de la ardei trecuta prin strecuratoare, batonul de scortisoara, oregano si foile de dafin. Continuam sa fierbem 2-3 minute si adaugam ardeii, zaharul, otetul si sarea. Fierbem la foc mediu, amestecand ocazional pana cand amestecul devine consistent. La sfarsit, adaugam piper proaspat macinat si scoatem batonul de scortisoara si frunzele de dafin. Punem amestecul in borcane fierbinti pe care le asezam intr-o patura pana a doua zi.
Servim chutney-ul cu burgeri de vita, Gouda Burger, sandwich-uri cu friptura rece sau alte combinatii dupa plac.
English version:
What do you do when you receive a lot of freshly picked peppers from the garden? Thanks from the bottom of your heart and get to work. What flavors could you use to highlight them?
This time we try an oriental combination: sweet – spicy baked pepper jam with a subtle cinnamon flavor.
Wash the peppers and place them in a tray with baking paper. Bake them at 180 degrees for an hour, turning them from time to time on all sides. After they are baked, take them out in a bowl, sprinkle them with high salt and cover them with a lid.
When they are almost cold, peel them, off taking care to keep the pepper juice. Cut the peppers into small pieces.
Separately cut the onion into small pieces and fry it in olive oil. Add the pepper juice passed through a strainer, cinnamon stick, oregano and bay leaves. Continue to boil for 2-3 minutes and add the peppers, sugar, vinegar and salt. Boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally until mixture becomes consistent. At the end, add freshly ground pepper and remove the cinnamon stick and bay leaves. Put the mixture in hot jars and place in a blanket until the next day.
Serve chutney with beef burgers, Gouda Burger, cold steak sandwiches or other combinations as you like.
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