Chocolate cookies – cea mai buna reteta! Da, veti gasi multe retete, insa aceasta este una dintre cele mai usoare si delicioase retete. Cat de usoara? Atat de usoara incat va putea fi facuta de catre copii. Asadar, haideti ca in aceasta minivacanta sau intr-un weekend sa ii invitati pe micutii vostri la o portie de biscuiti cu ciocolata!

(pentru 20 bucati / for 20 pieces)
- 125 grame unt / 125 grams butter
- 200 grame faina / 200 grams flour
- 75 grame zahar / 75 grams sugar
- 125 grame zahar brun / 125 grams brown sugar
- 2 galbenusuri si 1 ou intreg / 2 egg yolks and 1 egg
- 1 lingurita sare de mare / 1 teaspoon sea salt
- 1 lingurita praf de copt / 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/4 lingurita bicarbonat / 1/4 teaspoon soda baking
- 2 lingurite esenta de vanilie / 2 teaspoons vanilla flavour
- 200 grame fulgi de ciocolata / 200 grams chocolate chips

La finalul retetei veti gasi cateva sfaturi care sa ajute la gustul perfect al acestor biscuiti!
Intr-o craticioara topim untul si il lasam la foc mediu pana cand isi schimba usor culoarea. Il rasturnam in bolul de lucru si il lasam la racit. Adaugam apoi ouale, vanilia si zaharul si mixam pana cand obtinem o crema. Separat amestecam faina cu praful de copt, bicarbonatul de sodiu si sarea. Adaugam acest amestec peste crema de unt si mixam. La sfarsit adaugam bucatile de ciocolata. Rasturnam aluatul pe o folie alimentara si il lasam la rece minim 4 ore. Impartim aluatul in 20 de bucati si il modelam sub forma de bile pe care le asezam intr-o tava la distanta una fata de cealalta. Coacem biscutii la 180 grade Celsius timp de 15 minute pana cand sunt frumos rumeniti. Ii lasam la racit in tava timp de 15 minute apoi ii mutam pe un gratar pana la racirea completa.

Tips & Tricks
🍪 Topirea untului: nu este necesara, insa recomandata, biscuitii avand in acest caz o aroma de unt mai pronuntata.
🍪 Zaharul: pentru textura crocanta folosim intotdeauna 2 feluri de zahar: zahar alb si zahar brun.
🍪 Sarea: nu va sfiiti sa adaugati sare. O lingurita de sare va calibra foarte bine dulceata biscuitilor.
🍪 Ciocolata: puteti folosi fulgi de ciocolata sau o ciocolata normala taiata grosier. Recomand folosirea de cantitati egale de ciocolata cu lapte si ciocolata neagra.
🍪 Racirea aluatului: este foarte important sa lucram cu un aluat rece. Aluatul va fi mai fraged, iar biscutii se vor modela foarte usor.
🍪 Prepararea termica: supravegheati si ajutati micutii in partea de pregatire termica.
Daca v-a placut reteta de Chocolate cookies, va recomand sa incercati si alte deserturi inspirate.
English version
Chocolate cookies – the best recipe! Yes, you will find many recipes, but this is one of the easiest and most delicious recipes. How easy? So easy that it can be done by children. So, let’s invite your little ones to a portion of chocolate chip cookies on this mini holiday or on a weekend!
After the recipe you will find some tips for a perfect taste of these cookies!
In a saucepan, melt the butter and leave it over medium heat until it changes color slightly. Turn it over in the bowl and leave it to cool. Then add eggs, vanilla and sugar and mix until you get a cream. Separately mix the flour with the baking powder, baking soda and salt. Add this mixture over the butter cream and mix. At the end, add the chocolate pieces. Pour the dough on a food foil and leave it to cool for at least 4 hours. Divide the dough into 20 pieces and shape it into balls, place in a tray at a distance from each other. Bake the cookies at 180 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes until nicely browned. Let them cool in the pan for 15 minutes then move them on a grill until completely cooled.
Tips & Tricks
🍪 Melting butter: it is not necessary, but it is recommended, biscuits having in this case a more pronounced butter flavor.
🍪 Sugar: for the crunchy texture always use 2 types of sugar: white sugar and brown sugar.
🍪 Salt: don’t be afraid to add salt. A teaspoon of salt will calibrate the sweetness of the biscuits very well.
🍪 Chocolate: you can use chocolate flakes or a chopped normal chocolate. I recommend using equal amounts of milk chocolate and dark chocolate.
🍪 Dough cooling: it is very important to work with a cold dough. The dough will be more fragile, and the biscuits will shape very easily.
🍪 Thermal preparation: supervise and help the children in the thermal preparation part.
If you liked the Chocolate cookies recipe, I recommend you try other inspired desserts.
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