Gouda Burger


Continuam povestea “Burger”. Dupa variantele Portobello Burger si Burger cu somon, am incercat varianta cu branza Gouda la gratar.

Acesta este unul dintre cei mai buni burgeri incercati vreodata: chifle extrem de pufoase, branza gouda invelita intr-o crusta perfecta de susan alb si negru si chutney dulce – picant de ardei copti cu aroma subtila de scortisoara.


(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings):

  • 4 chifle / 4 burger buns
  • 4 felii de branza gouda speciala pentru gratar / 4 grill gouda slices
  • 4 linguri chutney / 4 tablespoons chutney
  • 2 rosii / 2 tomatoes
  • Valeriana / Valerian
  • 1 ceapa rosie / 1 red onion
  • 1 ou / 1 egg
  • Mix de seminte de susan albe si negre / white and black sesame seeds

Pregatirea acestui burger este extrem de simpla. Trecem feliile de branza prin oul batut si apoi prin mixul de seminte de susan. Asezam feliile de branza pe grill-ul incins. Lasam 2 minute pe o parte apoi intoarcem si mai lasam 2 minute.

Intre timp, taiem chiflele in doua si ungem baza cu putin chutney de ardei copti. Asezam valeriana, feliile de rosii si ceapa, branza calda si restul de dulceata de ardei.

Servim cu multa pofta!

English version:

Gouda Burger

We continue the „Burger” story. After the Portobello Burger and Salmon Burger variants, I tried the Gouda cheese.

This is one of the best burgers ever tried. Extremely fluffy buns, gouda cheese in a perfect crust of black and white sesame, sweet – spicey baked peppers chutney with subtle cinnamon flavor.

Preparing this burger is extremely simple. Pass the cheese slices through the beaten egg and then through the sesame seed mix. Place the cheese slices on the hot grill. Leave for 2 minutes on one side then turn and leave for another 2 minutes.

Meanwhile, cut the buns in half and grease the base with chutney. Place valerian, tomato and onion slices, hot cheese and the rest of the pepper jam.


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