Una dintre cele mai bune ciorbe din gastronomia romanesca este ciorba de fasole cu afumatura, usor acrisoara si desavarsita cu arome de tarhon. Dupa ciorba de fasole in paine, am decis sa incercam si aceasta varianta. Este atat de faina si consistenta incat nu mai ai nevoie si de un fel principal! O servim, obligatoriu, cu o salata de ceapa rosie.
(pentru 6 portii / for 6 servings)
- 250 grame fasole boabe / 250 grams beans
- 1 kg coaste afumate / 1 kg smoked ribs
- 1 ceapa / 1 onion
- 1 morcov / 1 carrot
- 1 radacina pastarnac / 1 parsnip
- 2 bucati telina apio / 2 apio sticks
- 1 lingurita sare / 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 cana pasta de ardei si rosii / 1 cup tomatoes and peppers sauce
- 3 linguri otet / 3 tablespoons vinegar
- 2 linguri tarhon / 2 tablespoons tarragon
Spalam fasolea si o lasam in apa timp de 2-3 ore. Ulterior, rasturnam fasolea in oala Tefal One Pot si adaugam 2 litri apa. Selectam modul de fierbere pentru legume timp de 30 de minute. Dupa expirarea timpului, depresurizam oala si adaugam costita taiata bucati si sarea (adaugati sare in functie de cat de sarata este carnea aleasa). Alegem modul “Supa” si fierbem 10 de minute. Adaugam apoi, legumele taiate cubulete si pasta de rosii si ardei. Alegem din nou modul “Supa” pentru 20 de minute. La sfarsit adaugam otetul si tarhonul taiat marunt.
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Servim cu multa pofta!
English version
Bean soup with tarragon and smoked ribs
One of the best soups in Romanian gastronomy. So much flour and consistency that you no longer need a main course. We serve it, mandatory, with a red onion salad. Try also beans soup in bread.
Wash the beans and leave them in the water for 2-3 hours. Subsequently, pour the beans into the Tefal One Pot and add 2 liters of water. Select the cooking mode for vegetables for 30 minutes. After the time expires, depressurize the pot and add the ribs cut into pieces and salt (add salt depending on how salty the chosen meat is). Choose the „Soup” mode and cook for 10 minutes. Then add the diced vegetables and tomato and pepper paste. Choose the „Soup” mode again for 20 minutes. At the end add the vinegar and finely chopped tarragon.
Serve with a lot of appetite!
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