Ciorba de fasole in paine


Ciorba de fasole este nelipsita din meniul restaurantelor traditional romanesti, iar pentru un plus de savoare o servim intr-un bol inedit realizat din paine de casa. Dar ce ne facem cand restaurantele sunt inchise?

Ne luam inima in dinti si deschidem cu mult curaj un proiect nou … finalizat (cu multa modestie 😜) cu maxim de succes 😎


(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)

Pentru bolul de paine / For bread bowl:

  • 500 grame faina / 500 grams flour
  • 300 ml apa calda / 300 ml warm water
  • 7 grame drojdie uscata / 7 grams dry yeast
  • 1 lingurita sare / 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 linguri ulei / 2 tablespoons oil

Pentru ciorba de fasole cu afumatura / For beans soup:

  • 300 grame ciolan afumat dezosat / 300 grams smoked pork hock boneless
  • 1 morcov / 1 carrot
  • 1 patrunjel mic / 1 small parsley root
  • 1 ceapa / 1 onion
  • 1/2 ardei rosu / 1/2 red pepper
  • 1 felie telina / 1 slice celery
  • 300 grame fasole fiarta sau 1 conserva fasole / 300 grams boiled beans or 1 canned beans
  • 2 linguri pasta de ardei / 2 tablespoons pepper sauce
  • 2 linguri pasta de rosii / 2 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 3 linguri otet de mere Cerbul Acru / 3 tablespoons vinegar
  • 1 lingurita tarhon taiat fin / 1 teaspoon fine chopped tarragon
  • Sare / Salt

Pentru salata de ceapa / For onion salad

  • 1 ceapa rosie mare / 1 big red onion
  • 1 lingura otet de visine Cerbul Acru / 1 tablespoon sour cherry vinegar
  • 1 lingurita ulei de masline / 1 teaspoon olive oil

Intr-un bol pregatim painea dupa o reteta extrem de simpla: mixam usor faina cu apa si drojdia. Adaugam sarea, iar in momentul in care avem un aluat omogen adaugam si uleiul. Mai framantam 3-4 minute si lasam la dospit intr-un bol acoperit cu un prosop. Dupa 2 ore impartim aluatul in doua si modelam 2 paini pe care le punem la dospit in forma de copt timp de 30 de minute. Intre timp, incingem cuptorul la 200 grade Celsius. Coacem painea timp de 30 de minute apoi o lasam la racit pe un gratar.

Pentru a prepara ciorba, alegem un ciolan produs de catre o ferma locala. Asadar, taiem carnea in cubulete de aproximativ 3 x 3 cm si o punem la fiert intr-o oala sub presiune timp de 30 de minute. Dupa ce carnea este fiarta, adaugam ceapa, morcovul, patrunjelul si telina taiate marunt. Dupa 15 minute adaugam si ardeii taiati cubulete mici. Adaugam sare dupa gust. Lasam sa fiarba la foc mic timp de 30 de minute si adaugam fasolea clatita in prealabil in apa rece. Mai lasam 10 minute la fiert si adaugam pasta de ardei, pasta de rosii si otetul. Mai lasam la fiert 5 minute si la final adaugam tarhonul.

Pentru salata de ceapa, taiem ceapa fasii subtiri si adaugam sarea, uleiul de masline si otetul.

Pentru servire, taiem capacul painii si cu mare grija sa nu distrugem peretii, scoatem miezul. Umplem fiecare bol cu ciorba de fasole. Servim cu salata de ceapa rosie si multa pofta.

English version:

Beans soup in bread

Beans soup is a soup that is not missing from the menu of traditional Romanian restaurants and for an extra flavor serve it in a unique bowl made of homemade bread. But what do we do when restaurants are closed?

We open with great courage a new project … completed (with much modesty 😀) with maximum success 😎

In a bowl, prepare the bread with a simple recipe: lightly mix the flour with water and yeast. Add salt, and when we have a homogeneous dough add the oil. Knead for another 3-4 minutes and leave to rise in a bowl covered with a towel. After 2 hours, divide the dough in two and shape 2 loaves that we leaven in the form of baking for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, heat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius. Bake bread for 30 minutes then let it cool on a grill.

To prepare the soup, cut the meat into cubes of about 3 x 3 cm and boil it in a pressure cooker for 30 minutes. After the meat is cooked, add the onion, carrot, parsley and finely chopped celery. After 15 minutes, add the diced peppers. Add salt to taste. Let it simmer for 30 minutes and add the rinsed beans in cold water. Let it boil for another 10 minutes and add the pepper paste, the tomato paste and the vinegar. Let it boil for another 5 minutes and finally add the tarragon.

For the onion salad, cut the onion into thin strips and add the salt, olive oil and vinegar.

To serve, cut the bread lid and be very careful not to destroy the walls, remove the core. Fill each bowl with beans soup. Serve with red onion sauce and lots of appetite.


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