Sunteti in cautare de idei pentru un mic dejun de senzatie? Aici gasiti foarte multe variante, dar astazi vreau sa discutam despre “ultimate breakfast”. Nimic nou sub soare … oua, crema de branza, legume, somon sau prosciutto. Cate combinatii putem sa facem cu aceste ingrediente? Luati-o ca pe o provocare, insa pana atunci haideti sa degustam una dintre cele mai reusite combinatii! 😎

(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)
- 2 felii de paine integrala / 2 slices wholemeal bread
- 1 ou / 1 egg
- 2 felii prosciutto / 2 slices prosciutto
- 2 felii somon / 2 slices salmon
- Crema de branza / Cream cheese
- 1/2 castravete / 1/2 cucumber
- 1 lingurita icre de somon / 1 teaspoon salmon caviar
- Fulgi de chilli / Chilli flakes
- Suc de lamaie / Lemon juice

Reteta este mai mult intuitiva: prajim rapid felii de paine si le ungem cu crema de branza. Eu folosesc Almette sau Philadelphia natur, insa puteti alege dupa plac. Pe o jumatate de felie de paine asezam prosciutto si pe cealalta somon stropit cu suc de lamaie. Taiem castravetele felii subtiri pentru a doua jumatate de felie de paine. Asezam in mijloc cate o jumatate de ou fiert mediu. Pe sandwich-ul cu somon adaugam o lingurita de icre. Presaram ambele felii cu fulgi de chilli. Eu am servit acest mic dejun cu o salata simpla de valeriana cu ulei de masline si otet balsamic.

English version:
Are you looking for ideas for a sensational breakfast? Here you can find many options, but today I want to talk about „ultimate breakfast”. Nothing new under the sun … eggs, cream cheese, vegetables, salmon or prosciutto. How many combinations can we make with these ingredients? Take it as a challenge, but until then let’s taste on of the the best combination 😎
The recipe is more intuitive:: toast slices of bread and grease them with cream cheese. I use Almette or Philadelphia naturally, but you can choose as you like. On one half of the slice of bread place prosciutto and on the other salmon sprinkled with lemon juice. Cut the cucumbers into thin slices for the second half of the slice of bread. In the middle put a half of medium boiled egg. Add a teaspoon of caviar to the salmon sandwich. Sprinkle both slices with chilli flakes. I served this breakfast with a simple valerian salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.