Cred ca in toate ciorbele regasesc gustul copilariei. Si aceasta deoarece mama gateste cele mai bune ciorbite. Ciorba de salata este, in continuare, una dintre preferatele noastre. Se pregateste repede si este extrem de gustoasa.
(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 1 salata verde / 1 lettuce
- 300 ml lapte batut / 300 ml buttermilk
- 3 linguri otet / 3 tablespoons vinegar
- 2 catei de usturoi / 2 garlic cloves
- 3 oua / 3 eggs
- 3 linguri ulei / 3 tablespoons oil
- Sare / Salt
- 4 linguri smantana / 4 tablespoons sour cream
Intr-o oala punem la fiert 2 litri de apa. Spalam salata foarte bine si maruntim frunzele (de preferat sa le rupem si nu sa le taiem cu un cutit). Cand apa fierbe, adaugam frunzele de salata. Lasam sa fiarba 10 minute. Intr-un castron amestecam laptele batut cu otetul si cu usturoiul zdrobit. Adaugam cate un polonic mic din supa obtinuta, amestecand constant, astfel incat sa incalzim amestecul de lapte. Turnam aceasta compozitie peste salata si mai lasam sa fiarba. Potrivim de sare si pregatim intre timp omleta. Batem ouale cu putina sare. Incingem intr-o tigaie, 3 linguri de ulei si pregatim omleta. Cand este gata, taiem omleta fasii mai mici si o adaugam cu tot cu uleiul din tigaie, in ciorba de salata. Mai dam un clocot si stingem focul. Servim ciorba de salata cu smantana.
English version:
Lettuce Soup
I think that in all soups I find the taste of childhood. And this is because my mother cooks the best soups, and they were not missing from every lunch. Lettuce soup is still one of our favorites. It prepares quickly and is extremely tasty.
In a pot, boil 2 liters of water. Wash the salad very well and chop the leaves (preferably to break them and not to cut them with a knife). When the water boils, add the lettuce leaves. Let it boil for 10 minutes. In a bowl, mix the buttermilk with the vinegar and add a small amount of water from the soup, stirring constantly, so as to heat the milk mixture. Pour this composition over the salad and let it boil. Season with salt and in the meantime prepare the omlette. Beat eggs with a pinch of salt. Heat in a pan, 3 tablespoons of oil and prepare the omelet. When it is ready, cut the omlette into smaller strips and add it with the oil from the pan, in the salad soup. Bring to a boil and turn off the heat. Serve salad with sour cream.
Foarte buna, eu o prepar cu bors si cu usturoi.