Crap prajit … trecut prin faina si prajit in baie de ulei … cel mai bun … dar nu neaparat cel mai sanatos. Insa cu Actifry Tefal obtinem acelasi gust si aspect cu un continut minim de ulei.
Desavarsim inelele de crap cu mujdei de usturoi, salata verde si cartofi natur.
(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)
- 4 rondele crap / 4 carp rings
- 2 linguri faina / 2 tablespoons flour
- 2 cartofi / 2 potatoes
- Salata verde / Lettuce
- Ceapa verde / Green onions
- 4 catei de usturoi / 4 garlic cloves
- Sare / Salt
- Seminte / seeds
- Patrunjel / Parsley
- 40 grame unt / 40 grams butter
- 1 lingurita ulei / 1 teaspoon oil
Presaram rondele de crap cu sare si le trecem prin faina. Le scuturam bine astfel incat sa indepartam excesul de faina. Ungem tava de la Actifry cu o lingurita de ulei si adaugam pestele. Prajim timp de cate 10 minute pe fiecare parte. In cazul in care nu aveti un Actifry, puteti pregati pestele la cuptor intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt.
Intre timp curatam cartofii, ii taiem cubulete si ii pregatim in steamer timp de 20 de minute. Rasturnam cartofii intr-un bol si adaugam untul si patrunjelul verde. Daca nu detinem un aparat de fiert in aburi, vom fierbe cartofii in apa cu sare, urmand apoi aceeasi pasi.
Pentru mujdei, strivim usturoiul cu sare intr-un mojar si amestecam cu apa rece.
Servim alaturi de o salata verde cu ceapa, mix de seminte si ulei de masline.
English version:
Crap Rings
Fried carp … passed through flour and fried in an oil bath … the best … but not necessarily the healthiest. But with Actifry Tefal we get the same taste and appearance with a minimum oil content.
Complete the carp rings with garlic sauce, lettuce and natural potatoes.
Sprinkle the carp rings with salt and pass them through the flour. Shake them well so as to remove the excess flour. Grease the Actifry tray with a teaspoon of oil and add the fish. Fry for 10 minutes on each side. If you do not have an Actifry, you can prepare the fish in the oven in a tray lined with baking paper.
Meanwhile, peel the potatoes, cut them into cubes and cook them in the steamer for 20 minutes. Pour the potatoes into a bowl and add the butter and green parsley. If we do not have a steamer, we will boil the potatoes in salted water, then follow the same steps.
For the garlic sauce, crush the garlic with salt and mix with cold water.
Serve with a salad with lettuce, green onion, seed mix and olive oil.