Ciorba de varza cu afumatura este una dintre ciorbele clasice ale bucatariei romanesti. Cu carne proaspata sau afumata, aceasta ciorba va deveni rapid preferata tuturor. Pentru un gust desavarsit, alegem cimbrul si mararul si nu omitem dressing-ul de smantana dulce si otet. In materie de carne, asa cum am spus, putem sa alegem coaste, oase garf sau ciolan, la fel de bune atat proaspete cat si afumate.
(pentru 8 portii / for 8 servings)
- 1 kg oase garf afumate / 1 kg smoked pork ribs
- 500 grame varza / 500 grams cabbage
- 1 ceapa / 1 onion
- 2 ardei kapia mici / 2 small kapia peppers
- 300 ml zarzavat pentru ciorba cu rosii si ardei / 300 ml of vegetables for soup with tomatoes and peppers
- 200 ml smantana dulce / 200 ml double cream
- 1 lingurita faina / 1 teaspoon flour
- 2 linguri otet / 2 tablespoons vinegar
- 1 lingurita cimbru / 1 teaspoon thyme
- 1 legatura marar / 1 dill bunch
- Sare / Salt
Pentru aceasta reteta eu am folosit Tefal One Pot, insa, asa cum spun de fiecare data, putem sa o pregatim si in varianta clasica marind timpii de gatire.
Asadar, sa incepem. Taiem carnea bucati si o punem la fiert in 2,5 litri de apa. Alegem functia de gatit sub presiune pentru 30 de minute. Depresurizam oala si adaugam ceapa si ardeiul taiate marunt si varza taiata fasii.
Acoperim din nou cu capacul si alegem functia “Soup” pentru 10 minute. Depresurizam si adaugam zarzavatul pentru ciorba, cimbrul si sare (daca este cazul, in functie de cat de sarata este carnea). Mai setam inca o data functia “Soup” pentru 10 minute.
Intre timp amestecam intr-un bol faina cu smantana dulce si otetul. La expirarea timpului, deschidem oala si luam cate un polonic de ciorba si temperam amestecul de smantana. Turnam apoi amestecul de smantana si ciorba in oala, amestecam si adaugam mararul taiat marunt.
Servim ciorba de varza cu smantana, ardei iute si paine proaspata.
Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.
Daca v-a placut reteta de Ciorba de varza cu afumatura, va recomand sa incercati si o Ciorba de fasole cu afumatura si tarhon, Ciorba de cartofi cu afumatura sau o Ciorba de porc cu hrean.
English version
Cabbage Soup with Smoked Pork
Cabbage soup is one of the classic soups of Romanian cuisine. With fresh or smoked meat, this soup will quickly become our favorite. For a perfect taste, choose thyme and dill and don’t forget the cream and vinegar dressing. In terms of meat, as I said, we can choose ribs, fork bones or pork hock, which are equally good both fresh and smoked.
For this recipe I used the Tefal One Pot, but as I say every time, we can also prepare it in the classic version by increasing the cooking time.
So, let’s start. Cut the meat into pieces and boil it in 2.5 liters of water. Choose the pressure cooking function for 30 minutes. Depressurize the pot and add finely chopped onion and pepper and sliced cabbage.
Cover again with the lid and choose the „Soup” function for 10 minutes. Depressurize and add the vegetables for the soup, thyme and salt (if necessary, depending on how salty the meat is). Once again, set the „Soup” function for 10 minutes.
In the meantime, mix flour with double cream and vinegar in a bowl. At the end of the time, open the pot and take a ladleful of the soup and temper the cream mixture. Then pour the mixture of cream and soup into the pot, mix and add the finely chopped dill.
Serve cabbage soup with sour cream, hot peppers and fresh bread.
You can find the video details of the recipe here.
If you liked the Cabbage soup with smoked pork recipe, I recommend you also try a Bean and tarragon soup, a Potato soup with smoked pork or a horseradish pork soup.
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