Daca va pasioneaza bucataria si cautati o reteta care sa va impresioneze musafirii fara a petrece ore intregi in bucatarie, atunci ati nimerit unde trebuie! Astazi va prezentam „Pasta trio cu peste” – un aperitiv care promite sa va rasfete papilele gustative si sa va transforme masa intr-o adevarata sarbatoare a aromelor. Nu va lasati pacaliti de simplitatea ingredientelor; magia sta in modul in care acestea se combina pentru a crea o pasta de peste atat de fina si cremoasa, incat veti uita ca ati deschis vreodata o conserva. Asa ca pregatiti-va pentru o experienta culinara care va va face sa spuneti „Adio, conserve obisnuite de peste, bun venit in paradisul pastei de peste!”.
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 6 portii)
- 1 conserva ton
- 1 conserva sardine
- 1 conserva macrou
- Sucul de la o jumatate de lamaie
- Sare
- Piper
- 1 ceapa rosie
- 80 grame mascarpone
- 1 lingura ulei de masline
Deschidem conservele de peste si le golim continutul intr-o sita pentru a scurge uleiul. Transferam apoi pestele intr-un blender, adaugam suc de lamaie, o lingura de ulei de masline si mixam.
Incorporam branza mascarpone, ceapa tocata fin, condimentam cu sare si piper dupa gust si continuam sa mixam pana obtinem o crema omogena.
Servim pasta de peste cu paine proaspata sau prajita si legume proaspete pentru un aperitiv delicios.
Detaliile video ale retetei:
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English version
Trio Fish Spread
If you are passionate about cooking and are looking for a recipe that will impress your guests without spending hours in the kitchen, then you have come to the right place! Today we present you „Trio Fish Spread” – an appetizer that promises to pamper your taste buds and turn your meal into a true celebration of flavors. Don’t be fooled by the simplicity of the ingredients; the magic is in the way they combine to create a fish paste so smooth and creamy, that you will forget you ever opened a can. So get ready for a culinary experience that will make you say „Goodbye, ordinary canned fish, welcome to the paradise of fish paste!”.
INGREDIENTS (for 6 servings)
- 1 can tuna
- 1 can sardines
- 1 can mackerel
- The juice from half a lemon
- Salt
- Pepper
- 1 red onion
- 80 grams mascarpone
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
Open the cans of fish and empty the contents into a sieve to drain the oil. Then transfer the fish to a blender, add lemon juice, a spoonful of olive oil and mix.
Add the mascarpone cheese, finely chopped onion, season with salt and pepper to taste and continue to mix until a homogeneous cream is obtained.
Serve the fish paste with fresh or toast bread and fresh vegetables for a delicious appetizer.
If you liked the recipe for Trio Fish Spread, I invite you to try Tuna Dip with Walnuts, Tuna and Sardine Spread or Tuna Salad with Cranberries and Celery.
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