Ciorba de afumatura ca in Ardeal, cu tarhon si smantana


Cu putin timp in urma, am avut ocazia de a participa la un workshop culinar organizat de Amintiri Gustoase. In cadrul acestei experiente minunate am participat cu mare placere in echipa doamnei Laura Laurentiu si am pregatit o Ciorba de afumatura ca in Ardeal, cu tarhon si smantana. Chef Liviu Lambrino si-a pus amprenta asupra meniului traditional, pregatind cate o surpriza aparte in fiecare preparat. In cazul nostru, ciorba a avut savoarea traditionala, intr-o servire de exceptie cu legume blansate, al dente, frumos colorate.

Ciorba de afumatura ca in Ardeal, cu tarhon si smantana


(pentru 6 portii / for 6 servings)

  • 1 kg coaste de porc afumate / 1 kg smoked pork ribs
  • 5 morcovi / 5 carrots
  • 1 ceapa / 1 onion
  • 1 ardei / 1 pepper
  • 5 tije telina apio / 5 celery stalks
  • 3 galbenusuri / 3 egg yolks
  • 200 grame smantana / 200 gram sour cream
  • 2 linguri tarhon murat / 2 tablespoons pickled tarragon
  • 3 linguri otet / 3 tablespons vinegar
  • Sare / Salt
Ciorba de afumatura ca in Ardeal, cu tarhon si smantana

Pentru aceasta reteta eu am ales sa folosesc oala Tefal One Pot, insa se poate prepara si in mod traditional, urmand aceeasi pasi si marind timpii de gatire.

Taiem coasta in bucati mici si o punem la fiert in 3 litri de apa. Eu am folosit supa in care am fiert inainte un ciolan afumat. Asadar punem carnea la fiert sub presiune pentru 20 de minute. Depresurizam oala si adaugam legumele taiate grosier: ceapa cubulete, 3 morcovi si 2 bucati telina apio fasii si ardeiul bucati. Adaugam la fiert si frunzele de la telina apio si sare. Alegem functia „Soup” si fierbem pentru 20 de minute. Depresurizam oala si strecuram supa, astfel incat sa ramanem doar cu supa si carnea.

Ciorba de afumatura ca in Ardeal, cu tarhon si smantana

Intr-un bol amestecam galbenusurile cu smantana si adaugam cate un polonic de supa astfel incat sa temperam compozitia. Rasturnam liezon-ul in oala cu supa si carne si gatim la foc mic pentru 4 – 5 minute. Adaugam otetul si tarhonul taiat marunt.

Ciorba de afumatura ca in Ardeal, cu tarhon si smantana

Intre timp, taiem restul de morcov si telina apio in cubulete foarte mici pe care le blansam. Punem o cratita cu apa la fiert, adaugam morcovii si fierbem timp de 5 minute, apoi strecuram si rastunam intr-un bol cu apa rece cu gheata.

Pentru servire punem in fiecare farfurie cate 2 linguri de morcovi si telina blansate, coaste de porc si turnam deasupra supa cu smantana si tarhon.

Ciorba de afumatura ca in Ardeal, cu tarhon si smantana

Servim cu multa placere alaturi de ardei iuti si paine calda.

Ciorba de afumatura ca in Ardeal, cu tarhon si smantana

Detaliile video ale retetei:

Daca v-a placut reteta de Ciorba de afumatura ca in Ardeal, cu tarhon si smantana, va invit sa incercati si:

Ciorba de cartofi cu afumatura
Ciorba de fasole in paine
Ciorba de varza cu afumatura

English version

Transylvanian Soup with Smoked Pork, Tarragon and Sour Cream

Some time ago, I had the opportunity to participate in a culinary workshop organized by Amintiri Gustoase. As part of this wonderful experience, I participated with great pleasure in Mrs. Laura Laurentiu’s team and prepared a Transylvanian Soup with Smoked Pork, Tarragon and Sour Cream. Chef Liviu Lambrino left his own mark on the traditional menu, preparing a special surprise in each dish. In our case, the soup had the traditional flavor, in an exceptional serving with blanched, al-dente, beautifully colored vegetables.

For this recipe I chose to use the Tefal One Pot pot, but it can also be prepared in the traditional way, following the same steps and increasing the preparation time.

Cut the ribs into small pieces and boil them in 3 liters of water. I used the soup in which I previously boiled a smoked hock. Put the meat to boil under pressure for 20 minutes. Depressurize the pot and add the coarsely chopped vegetables: diced onion, 3 carrots and 2 pieces of celery, sliced celery and pieces of pepper. Add celery leaves and salt to the boil. Choose the „Soup” function and boil for 20 minutes. Depressurize the pot and strain the soup, so that we only have the soup and the meat.

In a bowl, mix the egg yolks with the cream and add a spoonful of soup so as to temper the composition. Pour the broth into the pot with the soup and meat and cook on low heat for 4-5 minutes. Add the vinegar and finely chopped tarragon.

Meanwhile, cut the rest of the carrot and celery into very small cubes, which we blanch. Put a pan of water on the boil, add the carrots and boil for 5 minutes, then strain and grate in a bowl of cold water with ice.

To serve, put 2 tablespoons of blanched carrots and celery, pork ribs on each plate and pour the soup with cream and tarragon on top.

We gladly serve with hot peppers and warm bread.

If you liked the recipe for Transylvanian Soup with Smoked Pork, Tarragon and Sour Cream, I invite you to try it as well Smoked Meat Potato Soup, Beans soup in bread or Cabbage Soup with Smoked Pork.


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