Cartofi prajiti la Actifry


Cand pofta de cartofi prajiti ne loveste, dar dorim sa pastram un stil de viata sanatos, Actifry vine in ajutorul nostru. Aceasta metoda de preparare ne permite sa ne bucuram de cartofi prajiti deliciosi, cu un continut caloric redus, fara a compromite gustul. In acest articol, vom explora cum sa pregatim cartofi prajiti la Actifry, folosind doar cateva ingrediente simple si pasi usor de urmat. Haideti sa descoperim impreuna cum putem transforma cartofii obisnuiti intr-o gustare crocanta si sanatoasa!

Cartofi prajiti la ActiFry

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 4 portii)

  • 1 kg cartofi
  • 1 lingura otet
  • 1 lingurita sare
  • 1 lingura ulei
Cartofi prajiti la ActiFry

Curatam cartofii de coaja si ii taiem in fasii inguste. Ii clatim bine cu apa rece si ii mai lasam intr-un bol cu apa pentru 30 de minute, apoi ii clatim din nou.

Cartofi prajiti la ActiFry

Mutam cartofii intr-o oala, ii acoperim cu apa rece si adaugam sare si otet. Ii fierbem la foc mediu, timp de 10 minute, cronometrand de cand ii punem pe foc, apoi ii rasturnam intr-o strecuratoare. Ii lasam sa se scurga bine, apoi ii stergem cu un servet absorbant, pentru a indeparta orice urma de umezeala si ii punem in tava de la Actifry.

Cartofi prajiti la ActiFry

II stropim cu o lingura de ulei de masline si ii presaram cu putina sare. Ii gatim timp de 30 de minute pana cand devin frumos rumeniti.

Servim cartofii simpli ca atare sau ca si garnitura.

Cartofi prajiti la ActiFry

Detaliile video ale retetei:

Daca v-a placut reteta de Cartofi prajiti la Actifry, va invit sa incercati si:

Cartofi noi la „ceaun”
Kartoffelsalat – Salata vieneza de cartofi
Epic Potato Board

English version

Actifry French Fries

When the craving for fried potatoes hits us, but we want to maintain a healthy lifestyle, Actifry comes to our aid. This preparation method allows us to enjoy delicious fried potatoes, with a reduced caloric content, without compromising the taste. In this article, we will explore how to make French fries in the Actifry, using just a few simple ingredients and easy-to-follow steps. Let’s discover together how we can turn ordinary potatoes into a crunchy and healthy snack!

INGREDIENTS (for 4 servings)

  • 1 kg potatoes
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon oil

Peel the potatoes and cut them into narrow strips. Rinse them well with cold water and leave them in a bowl of water for 30 minutes, then rinse them again.

Move the potatoes into a pot, cover them with cold water and add salt and vinegar. Boil them on the fire for an average of 10 minutes (timed from when we put them on the fire), then turn them over in a strainer, let them drain well, then we strain them with an absorbent napkin, to remove any traces of moisture and we put them in the tray from Actifry.

Sprinkle them with a spoonful of olive oil and sprinkle them with a little salt and cook them for 30 minutes until they become nicely browned.

Serve plain potatoes as such or as a side dish.

If you liked the Actifry French Fries recipe, I invite you to try New Potatoes at the „Cauldron”, Kartoffelsalat – Viennese Potato Salad or an Epic Potato Board.


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