Crispy Strips


Bine ati venit in lumea minunata a bucatariei unde proteinele si dieta merg mana in mana cu placerea gustului! Astazi, va voi dezvalui secretul pentru a transforma banalul pui intr-o adevarata delicatesa crocanta si sanatoasa: Crispy Strips proteic si dietetic. Nu doar ca aceasta reteta va fi un hit la masa de seara, dar va va face si vecinii sa se intrebe ce minunatie culinara ati creat. Imaginati-va pieptul de pui, obisnuit si simplu, care prinde viata cu un mix vibrant de condimente si o crusta aurie de fulgi de porumb, toate gatite la perfectiune. Este atat de delicios, incat chiar si salata de vara de langa el pare sa danseze de entuziasm. Asadar, pregatiti-va pentru o experienta culinara care nu doar ca va va satisface papilele gustative, dar va va mentine si in forma. Haideti sa descoperim impreuna cum sa facem aceste Crispy Strips!

Crispy Strips

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 4 portii)

  • 800 grame piept si pulpe de pui dezosate
  • 1 lingurita pudra de usturoi
  • 1 lingurita paprika
  • 1 lingurita oregano
  • 2 oua
  • 200 grame fulgi de porumb fara zahar
  • Sare
  • Ulei de masline spray
Crispy Strips

Incepem prin a taia puiul in fasii inguste. Le condimentam cu sare, usturoi granulat, oregano si paprika dulce sau picanta, in functie de preferintele voastre. Lasam la marinat la frigider pentru cel putin doua ore.

Crispy Strips

Intr-un castron batem 2 oua cu un praf de sare, iar in alt bol pregatim fulgii de porumb zdrobiti. Trecem fiecare fasie de pui prin ou, apoi prin fulgii de porumb.

Crispy Strips

Asezam fasiile de pui in tava de la Actifry si le pulverizam cu ulei de masline. Gatim timp de 20 de minute pana cand devin crocante si capata o culoare aurie.

Servim fasiile crocante de pui cu un sos de iaurt si usturoi si salata proaspata de vara.

Crispy Strips

Detaliile video ale retetei:

Daca v-a placut reteta de Crispy Strips, va invit sa incercati si:

Chicken Nuggets
Chicken Popcorn
Aripioare de pui cu lamaie si piper

English version

Crispy Strips

Welcome to the wonderful world of the kitchen where proteins and diet go hand in hand with the pleasure of taste! Today, I will reveal to you the secret to transform the banal chicken into a real crispy and healthy delicacy: protein and dietary Crispy Strips. Not only will this recipe be a hit at the dinner table, but it will also make your neighbors wonder what culinary wonder you have created. Imagine the plain and simple chicken breast that comes to life with a vibrant mix of spices and a golden crust of corn flakes, all cooked to perfection. It is so delicious that even the summer salad next to it seems to dance with excitement. So, get ready for a culinary experience that will not only satisfy your taste buds, but also keep you in shape. Let’s discover together how to make these Crispy Strips!

INGREDIENTS (for 4 servings)

  • 800 grams boneless chicken breast and legs
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 1 teaspoon oregano
  • 2 eggs
  • 200 grams corn flakes sugar free
  • Salt
  • Olive oil spray

Start by cutting the chicken into narrow strips. Season them with salt, granulated garlic, oregano and sweet or spicy paprika, depending on your preferences. Leave to marinate in the refrigerator for at least two hours.

In a bowl, beat 2 eggs with a pinch of salt, and in another bowl prepare the crushed corn flakes. Pass each strip of chicken through the egg, then through the corn flakes.

Place the chicken strips in the Actifry pan and spray them with olive oil. Cook for 20 minutes until they become crispy and get a golden color.

Serve the crispy chicken strips with a yogurt and garlic sauce and fresh summer salad.

If you liked the Crispy Strips recipe, I invite you to try Chicken Nuggets, Chicken Popcorn or Lemon and pepper chicken wings.


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