Au trecut sarbatorile, iar tuturor ne-au ramas prin frigider diverse alimente pe care nu dorim sa le aruncam. De cand eram copil, mama ne pregatea aceasta pizza pe felii de paine. Nu este chiar o pizza, in sensul definitiei clasice a preparatului italian, insa este o cina delicioasa, de care toti (mai ales copii) vor fi incantati.

Asadar, deschidem frigiderul si cautam ceva branzeturi, mezeluri, legume si obligatoriu cateva felii de paine. Ingredientele de mai jos sunt optionale, puteti sa adaugati sau sa eliminati dupa cum va este pe plac.

(pentru 4 persoane / for 4 servings)
- 8 felii de paine / 8 slices of bread
- 250 ml lapte / 250 ml milk
- 50 grame unt / 50 grams butter
- 1 ceapa / 1 onion
- 100 grame bacon / 100 grams bacon
- 100 grame sunca / 100 grams ham
- 200 grame mix de branzeturi/ 200 grams mix cheese
- 4 oua / 4 eggs
- 100 grame porumb / 100 grams sweet corn
- 100 grame sos de rosii / 100 grams tomato sauce
- 20 grame ardei / 20 grams pepper
- Masline / Olives
- 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 20 grame parmezan ras / 20 grams grated parmesan
- Sare / Salt

Intr-o tigaie incingem 2 linguri ulei de masline si adaugam ceapa taiata marunt. Calim timp de 2 minute si adaugam baconul taiat feliute. Continuam sa calim timp de 5 minute si adaugam sunca taiata cubulete si porumbul. Mai lasam pe foc mediu inca 5 minute, amestecand ocazional. Lasam amestecul la racit.
Intr-un bol, batem ouale cu sare. Adaugam branzeturile date pe razatoare (eu am ales cascaval si cas framantat) si amestecul de mezeluri rece.
Ungem o tava cu 20 de grame de unt si aranjam feliile de paine inmuiate in lapte. Peste feliile de paine punem sosul de rosii si intidem amestecul de branzeturi si mezeluri. Decoram cu felii de ardei, masline, parmezan ras si restul de unt taiat cubulete mici. Coacem la 180 grade Celsius timp de 20 de minute, pana cand este frumos rumenita.
Servim cu ketchup dulce sau picant, dupa plac.

English version:
The holidays are over, and we all have various foods left in the fridge that we don’t want to throw away. Ever since we were children, my mother used to make this pizza on slices of bread. It is not really a pizza, in the sense of the classic definition of Italian cuisine, but it is a delicious dinner that everyone (especially children) will be delighted with.
So, we open the fridge and look for some cheeses, sausages, vegetables and a few slices of bread. The ingredients below are optional, you can add or remove as you like.
In a pan heat 2 tablespoons olive oil and add finely chopped onion. Heat for 2 minutes and add sliced bacon. Continue to cook for 5 minutes and add diced ham and corn. Leave on medium heat for another 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Let the mixture cool.
In a bowl, beat eggs with salt. Add the grated cheeses and the cold sausage mixture.
Grease a tray with 20 grams of butter and arrange the slices of bread soaked in milk. Put the tomato sauce over the slices of bread and spread the mixture of sausages and cheese. Garnish with slices of pepper, olives, grated Parmesan cheese and the rest of the butter cut into small cubes. Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes, until nicely browned.
Serve with sweet or spicy ketchup, as desired.
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